
共有 42824 筆資料,目前是 41731 - 41740 筆
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Leisure Books
系列書: Dark Series #13.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 13 ** They were masters of the darkness, searching through eternity for a mistress of the light? Her childhood had been a nightmare of violence and pain until she heard his voice calling out to her. Golden and seductive. The voice of an angel. He had shown her...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Leisure Books
系列書: Dark Series #12.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 12 ** They were masters of the darkness, searching through eternity for a mistress of the light? Lead guitarist of the Dark Troubadors, Dayan was renowned for his mesmerizing performances. His melodies stilled crowds, beckoned, seduced, tempted. And always, he call...
譯者: 呂玉如
出版社: 希代-迷你影集 #47
評鑑: 0
她是高雄美麗的貴族之後;她則一心嚮往攀登演藝的高峰;而她是溫柔嫻靜的富家女。 二十年前,她們先後愛上了同一個男人,直到他同時背棄她們三人而去,叛離的愛情使她們的友情緊密地結合。 二十年後,她成了新起的企業大亨,她則如願成了名藝人,而她選擇了平靜的婚姻生活。她們的內心卻仍深深地眷戀著他,這段迷戀可有終止的一天?!
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley: Jove Books
系列書: Dark Series #10.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 10 ** Byron, a Carpathian male and hunter of the vampire follows the sound of compelling music to Italy. There he discovers his lifemate, Antoinetta Scarletti, heiress to the great Scarletti fortune. A renowned concert pianist, Antoinetta is the glue that holds the S...
平均:4 (1 vote)
譯者: 林曉梅
出版社: 希代-迷你影集 #48
評鑑: 1
活在無聲的世界裡並不是她的錯,離異的雙親卻要她假裝聽得見,希望她像個普通人一樣過正常的生活。表面上,她妥協順從、討好父親,下意識,她利用所有人來反抗。 一段婚外情,一幅被毀的畫,使她的死成為必然...... 隨著調查的進行,又死了一個女學生,兇手的動機是----發洩?復仇?抑或是殺人滅口?他們在各種問題上打轉,卻忽略了最簡單的事實......
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Leisure Books
系列書: Dark Series #9.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 9 ** He ran with the wolves? Materialized from the mists? Hijacked the very heavens to his whims? He was the Dark Guardian of his people. So how, after centuries of bleak, soulless existence, had he suddenly come to crave petite, curvy, colorful lady cop Jax...
譯者: 詹時敏
出版社: 希代-迷你影集 #49
評鑑: 0
她是頗享盛名的小說作家。某日接到一封女姓署名的信件,指控她抄襲某書的文字情節,而在此信件被許多報社接獲之後,她下一本書的出版景況不被看好,以致她唯一的收入來源,陷入危機…… 然而,一波未平一波又起,一位不受歡迎的書評家-- 家傭因食用某作家送的巧克力而中毒,結果,遭警方逮捕的竟是這名女作家!她差點被近日來一團糟的生活擊垮…… 在交保待審時間,她想先查那寫信者,她那堅強、明智的妹妹建議她自己查--曾得罪的朋友、可惡的前夫、兒時玩伴……大海撈針,越查越亂,應該算是越來越清晰,因為幾場官司,也許一次了結……
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Leisure Books
系列書: Dark Series #8.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 8 ** He woke deep within the ground, and the first sensation he felt was hunger. An overwhelming hunger for blood that demanded satisfaction. But as he hunted the dark streets of Paris for prey, a voice called to him, soothing, calming, giving him the strength to control...
譯者: 唐湘寧
出版社: 希代-迷你影集 #50
評鑑: 0
愛與恨的表達,如何才是適當的呢? 父母對久病的孩子,因不忍而棄之於醫院; 逼走妻子的父親,強迫女兒代母職; 因為太愛一個人,而隱瞞已婚的事,並與之共組家庭… 這個兇殺案的偵辦過程,充滿了出人意料的發現, 它們的有心和無意,間接造成了這件悲劇。 他們都無辜,可是,誰能躲過良心的譴責? 萊利並不像牠的外表那般惹人注目,卻給人更深刻的震撼。這是芭芭拉.郝爾和他接觸過後,暫時給他的評話。 督察說,跟著萊利,她能學到許多東西,她根本不相信;但是她先前對他存有的放浪形骸的印象,已逐漸在瓦解當中。 他們奉命接手一件兇殺案,兇嫌是死者的親生女兒,她把她爸爸的頭砍了下來...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Dorchester Publishing- Love Spell
系列書: Dark Series #6.0
文類: 吸血鬼羅曼史
評鑑: 2
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 6 ** So Darius warned her when she accepted a position with his traveling troupe. And gazing mesmerized at the merciless slash of his mouth, the implacable resolve on his face, the soulless emptiness of his black eyes, Tempest was afraid to ask what it was. She...
