由 鈕釦 在 發表
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 9 **
He ran with the wolves?
Materialized from the mists?
Hijacked the very heavens to his whims?
He was the Dark Guardian of his people. So how, after centuries of bleak, soulless existence, had he suddenly come to crave petite, curvy, colorful lady cop Jaxon Montgomery, who foolishly made it her life's work to protect others from harm?
Fiercely daring, Jaxx would sacrifice anything to shield others - particularly since a deadly menace dogged her every footstep, threatening all who got close to her. And strangely seductive, piercingly erotic, this stranger claiming her was no exception. He was powerfully, perilously mesmerizing-oddly gentle yet clearly a born predator. He had vowed to possess her, to guard her for all time. Yet with his every thirsty kiss, was he drawing Jaxon more deeply into danger and his dark mysterious desires?
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: DARK GUARDIAN by Christine Feehan
我是不經意發現的啦,沒有特別安裝「雷達掃描器」。不過愛吃粽子的粉絲們可把替粽子系列抓 bug,當作自我委派的任務,也許妳們會發現樂趣無窮──因為幾乎每一串粽子,都能至少抓出一兩隻誤入歧途的小蟲蟲,不信的話去問小可
Lucian 為了挽救他雙胞胎弟弟 Gabriel 的靈魂,偽裝成 undead 好幾百年,做了極大的犧牲。我想只有像他這樣超長壽的 Carpathian,才負擔得起冒如此大的風險。
Jaxon 那個喪心病狂的「繼父」,是個瘋子和殺人魔,行兇的手法太殘酷。
他何以會對 Jaxon 擁有那種令人毛骨悚然的佔有慾,把她熟識的每個人都當作必須剷除的障礙?坦白講,我認為很詭異,這世間真有心智如此扭曲的變態狂?從許多懸疑小說裡,我曉得比他變態的殺人魔俯拾皆是,但那不表示看到血腥的屠殺場景時,我不會想跑到浴室去清除胃裡的所有庫存
看完本書的最後一幕,讓我頗有挫折感。有那麼多 Carpathian 人趕來出席 Lucian 和 Jaxon 的婚禮,照理說應該很熱鬧的不是嗎?錯錯錯,別說不見人瑞兄弟彼此擁抱、不見 Gregori 對他的「弟弟」Darius 微笑、不見 Julian 和 Aidan 這對雙胞胎的金色頭顱相靠……整幕「婚禮」場景更是只花了不到一頁篇幅描述。起碼讓 Savannah 變個魔術也行嘛,嗚嗚嗚
自從 Dark Gold 之後就開始期待 Carpathian 大團圓,CF 卻一次次吊人胃口。眼見美味的肥肉已到嘴,卻在咬下第一口前就被殘忍地自嘴邊抽離。聽起來很像有虐待狂的人會做的事
幸好 CF 終於決定「改過遷善」,給黑暗粉絲垂涎已久的 Carpathian Reunion Book 來一償宿願。
這本大團圓的特別獻禮──Dark Celebration──即將在九月五號上路。雖是以精裝亮相,但據我所知黑暗粉絲不會因此卻步
其他心得嘛……咳,保留給某某正在蝙蝠洞裡探險的年輕人了(不曉得會不會等到海枯石爛 )