由 鈕釦 在 發表
**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 13 **
They were masters of the darkness, searching through eternity for a mistress of the light?
Her childhood had been a nightmare of violence and pain until she heard his voice calling out to her. Golden and seductive. The voice of an angel.
He had shown her how to survive, taught her to use her unique gifts, trained her in the ancient art of hunting the vampire. Yet he could not bend her to his will. He could not summon her to him, no matter how great his power.
As she battled centuries-old evil in a glittering labyrinth of caverns and crystals, he whispered in her mind, forging an unbreakable bond of trust and need. Only with him can she find the courage to embrace the seductive promise of her?
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: DARK DESTINY by Christine Feehan
是啦是啦,身為 CF 的超狂熱超忠實粉絲,她的任何一本作品都能輕易令我熱血沸騰,廢寢忘食到忘了今夕是何夕的地步。![](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/embaressed_smile.gif)
霸特.....要先亮出一個警告喔 :女主角 Destiny 的童年境遇真的非常、非常悲慘,慘到幾乎一度令我吞嚥困難的地步
(看了十幾本黑暗系列的書,這種情形還是第一遭出現)。![:-) :-)](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/cry_smile.gif)
她的家人慘死、她被吸血鬼抓走的時候年僅六歲;等她終於運用 Nicholae 由心電聯繫中教導她的 Carpathian 人的獵殺吸血鬼的每項技巧、殺死了她的 undead 俘虜者之時,已經十四歲了。整整八年生活在可怕的夢魘中,肉體、心靈與神智皆飽受摧殘,更別說體內留有 undead 的骯髒腐壞血液......這對 Destiny 的身心戕害之大是不難理解的,莫怪乎她會堅信自己已經無法救贖
雖然數度惱怒於 Destiny 對充滿柔情與耐性的男主角 Nicholae 的冥頑固執態度,她持續的自憐自鄙與自毀意識也讓我有些不耐煩,但想到她所承受的慘無人道的折磨......這是可以體諒的啦![:-) :-)](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/cry_smile.gif)
話雖如此,如果不是太愛 CF,太醉心沉迷於這套故事,我可能在看到那個 undead 對年幼的 Destiny 所做的極端殘酷醜惡的事之後,就蜷縮起身子打退堂鼓了![](http://www.wrn.tw/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/msn/angry_smile.gif)
Nicholae 的哥哥的故事將來也會上場,而女主角會是誰,在 Dark Destiny 這本書裡已有明顯跡象了。雖然看起來又是一個有個痛苦遭遇的女孩,但再怎樣都不可能有 Destiny 的境遇來得悽楚。而且我很充分的做好心理建設了,因此仍是引頸期盼