由 鈕釦 在 發表

**系列說明: Dark Series, Book # 12 **
They were masters of the darkness, searching through eternity for a mistress of the light?
Lead guitarist of the Dark Troubadors, Dayan was renowned for his mesmerizing performances. His melodies stilled crowds, beckoned, seduced, tempted. And always, he called to her. His lover. His lifemate. He called to her to complete him. To give him the emotions that had faded from his existence, leaving him an empty shell of growing darkness. Save me. Come to me.
Corrinne Wentworth stood at the vortex of a gathering storm. Pursued by the same fanatics who'd murdered her husband, she was risking her life by keeping more that one secret. Fragile, delicate, vulnerable, she had an indomitable faith that made her fiery surrender to Dayan all the more powerful. This was the one woman whose loss would destroy him, even as her love promised to heal his soul
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Re: Dark Melody
Dark系列還是一樣好看! Dayan的lifemate是甜美可愛但前夫被謀殺目前又生懷六甲的Corinne. 兩人的相處一如本系列一貫的熱情有張力只是Corinne的特殊情況讓Dayan的福利很少. 這集因為Corinne的心臟問題, Gregori, Julian, shea, Darius全都趕來了. Darius跟Grefori的第一次相見更是讓人會心一笑,尤其是Gregori與Darius互推誰該為讓Julian這傢伙變成妹婿負責. Corinne的個性還好比較柔,但她的小姑Lisa有時真是讓我抓狂. 特別是在她害到Corrine跟Cullen. 而Dayan連小孩一起愛的表現真讓我覺得...愛死了!