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出版社: 林白/果樹出版 #110(1978-09-30 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
席尼‧薛登(Sidney Sheldon)出身於戲劇界,廿五歲時,已有三齣賣座的音樂劇同時在百老匯上演。是製、導、寫的全才。在電影方面曾得過奧斯卡金像獎,在百老匯舞台劇方面曾得過湯尼獎。一九七○年開始寫作,處女作「痴漢情狂」(The Naked Face)就獲得提名競選最佳懸疑小說獎。第二部作品「午夜情挑」更使他蜚聲國際,其後作品「鏡中的陌生人」與「朱門恩怨」也都在出版後即登上暢銷書榜,歷久不衰。薛登目前與妻女住在洛杉磯。
作者: Daoma Winston -
譯者: 林圭三
出版社: 雙喜-時潮名著 #12(1982-09-01 出版)
評鑑: 0
To lonely Devil Dunes came beautiful Pagent Browne, seeking the answer to her sweetheart's strange silence and stranger outbursts.
But an eerie menace brooded over the house. Someone she didn't know was plotting against her. Or was she mad to suspect a sinister purpose behind the "accidents" that...
譯者: 吳慧玲
出版社: 雙喜-時潮名著 #13
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
瓊・瑟莫斯從三年前爲他的老闆布蘭特·李易工作時,就已愛上他。現在,他似乎開始對她發 生興趣了—————然而,她的喜悅知帶著苦樂參半的懷疑。因爲,當他很明顯地擁有一位可愛的金髮女友安吉拉時,她怎能對他認真呢?
Every novel in this collection is your passport to a romantic tour of the United States through time-honored favorites by America's First Lady of romance fiction. Each of the fifty novels is se...
出版社: 程氏出版
評鑑: 0
They are flawless faces on giant screens, and Anne Hyatt escaped a loveless marriage to be one of them. Anne is no innocent lost in the Hollywood jungle. And starving for the passion her heart craves, she is ready to take on the world's most ruthless people--and beat them at their favorite games. Re...
譯者: 茜茜
出版社: 雙喜-時潮名著 #5
評鑑: 0
Deirdre married Rory Mallon because he had temporarily lost his sight, and only a wife could help him finish the work he was doing. Soon she fell in love with him.
But Deirdre was plain, while all the other women in his life had been beautiful. What would happen when he recovered his sight?
譯者: 耀文
出版社: 開元-愛的小說 #6(1980-10-01 出版)
評鑑: 0
She decided she was justified in outcheating her husband... Diana figured she had good reason to cheat. She had actually watched her husband go through the entire love act with another woman.