由 鈕釦 在 發表
**系列說明:Dark Series, Book # 1 **
Number of Pages: 464 pages
Publisher: Leisure Books
Release Date: April 1, 2005
ISBN: 0843955287
He came to her in the night, a predator -- strength and power chiseled his features. The seduction was deep and elemental; he affected her soul. His need. His darkness. His terrible haunting loneliness. Her senses aroused, she craved the dangerous force of his body. Burned for him. And he had only touched her with his mind.
She came to him at dawn, his bleakest hour. As the beast raged inside him, threatening to consume him, he vented his centuries-old despair in an anguished cry that filled the waning night. And she answered, a ray of light, piercing his darkness. A beautiful angel. Her compassion, courage, and innocence awakened in him an exquisite longing and tenderness. He knew he must possess her, for only she could tame his savage side and lift the dark shadow from his soul. Apart they were desolate, bereft. Intertwined physically and spiritually, they could heal one another and experience an eternity of nights filled with love.
果樹-Romance Age 2007-04-24 |
solo replied on 固定網址
Re: DARK PRINCE BY Christine Feehan
Wynne replied on 固定網址
Re: DARK PRINCE BY Christine Feehan
當初在官媽的強力推薦下, 忍不住也把這一系列的故事全部帶回家, 雖然寫不出什麼精彩的讀書心得, 不過還是想來跟大家分享一下感想.....
不知道是不是因為這本是 CF 女士處女作的緣故, 我當初在看這個故事的時候, 對於作者敘述故事的方式有些難以接受......常常在一個場景結束後, 下一個章節或段落在沒有交代的情況下就突然換到另一個時間場景, 害我老是傻眼搞不清楚今夕是何夕, 尤其又要努力瞭解這個作者想像中的世界, 加上作者為了鋪陳將來的系列故事, 有著一大堆沒有清楚交代個性的配角, 而且這群 Carpathian 非英美裔, 名字相當拗口, 很難記, 每次看到一個名字跳出來, 我都得往前翻翻看這個人究竟是誰...........幾次我差點看不下去, 打算放棄......幸好, 這個故事建構出來的世界真的很讓人好奇, 而且到後來也比較瞭解主要人物的性格, 最後才終於把它看完了....
老實講, 我不能說我很喜歡這系列的第一個故事, 所以我只給 4 葉 (其實只想給 3.5 葉啦), 一方面是我覺得故事敘述方式不太順, 再來因為男主角太強勢, 能妥協的地方太少, 雖然女主角也很有個性, 但我總覺得男主角會在女主角還不完全明白事情真相的情況下就幫她作決定, 使她在不得已的情況下接受了一些事, 這一點讓我有點感冒.......可是只要跨過這個故事之後, 這系列後面的故事是很精彩的! 像我覺得 Dark Desire 就是比 Dark Prince 更成功的故事.....
給未看過同學的建議是, 如果你對於女主角的自主性要求非常高, 而且不太喜歡男主角只憑第一眼看到就認定女主角是他注定的伴侶, 那麼, 這套系列對你來說可能要多考慮考慮......不過如果你有強烈的同情心與愛心, 願意疼惜這一群因為自身能力太過強大而只能躲在黑暗處的 Carpathian, 而且熱愛那種男女主角緊密相依, 沒有背叛或不信任的愛情, 這一系列是你不容錯過的好故事!!