
共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 2141 - 2150 筆
譯者: 謝瑶玲
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #13(1982-04-05 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
絕不要愛上你的老闆,這是雷蜜莉學到的第一條規矩。然而從一開始,馬術明星戴巴特即以表明他要她──並不為了他的牧場亟需一位獸醫。她發誓絕不會向她屈服,發是要讓他對她另眼相待,視他為名副其實的獸醫,然而無法否認單單是這位粗魯的牧場主人的存在,即足以軟化她的決心...... LOVE SO FEARFUL Never have an affair with your boss! That was the first rule of business Megan cyan had learned. Yet right from the start, rodeo star Bart Dutto...
譯者: 謝瑶玲
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #12
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Golden-haired Adrian Anders knew she'd be the center of masculine admiration at an American Army base in Turkey. But she was hardly ready for the tantalizing attentions of audacious Sergeant Adam Wade, who pushed aside all competitors to claim her as his own. To be held in Adam's arms was paradise,...
平均:3 (1 vote)
譯者: 王煥照
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #10(1982-12-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
雪西亞和魯斯不僅在網球場上是旗鼓相當的對手,在辯論會上也都爭鋒相對,互不相讓。 不過,私底下他們卻是無所不談的莫逆之交。 很遺憾的是,在感情上,他們就像是兩條平行線,永不相交。 然而,人生是無常的,誰又曾料到幾年之後,他們的友誼會突然昇華到超然的境界。 白天,他們像是兩個沸騰的水泡,一觸即發;然而,晚上是恬靜的。 雪西亞是一位勤勉有抱負的青年,但是魯斯卻是浪漫的。 實在很難想像,两個如此截然不同的人, 卻像兩塊磁鐵, 緊緊相吸,並迸出火花...... Cynthia and Russ were powerful opponents on the tennis court and in eve...
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #9(1982-11-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She would have to hide her love or lose him Victoria was stunned when her boss, the man she had secretly loved for eight long years, proposed to her. A parade of women had gone through Benedict Gabriell's life. But now, suddenly, her boss wanted to get married, claiming the sensible approa...
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #8(1982-11-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
His eyes moved insolently over her, following the slim curves of her body down to the delicate instep of her heeled sandals. Amanda met his mocking gaze with cool eyes. She remembered him. The formidable Reid Buchanan, a man who changed women as easily as he changed ties. Only months before, Am...
譯者: 劉騰昇
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #6(1982-10-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
豆蔻年華的舒妃暗戀繼兄羅博已久,但父母礙於懸殊的年齡,小繼兄席門因於私自的愛慕,羅博未婚妻艾瑪出於如意郎君難求的嫉意,圍繞在身邊的人個個百般阻擾他倆的戀情。 尤其在柳暗花明之際艾瑪竟宣稱自己已經懷孕的消息,舒妃真是哀淒欲絕,既憤於羅博的欺騙,又悲於命運的作弄,慘然離開故鄉,飛往希臘工作,突然又傳來羅博重傷的消息,乃在僱主達蘭太太愷切的剖析,鼓勵她去揭穿艾瑪的騙局,珍惜那份真情之下,然後回到了傷心地,把這段磨人的好事帶到了最高潮,應如西諺所說的,「去,去取妳所需,勇敢地付出代價吧!」...... An odd combination--young in years, mature in emo...
譯者: 謝瑶玲
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #5(1982-10-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
賀琳黛是個極有才華的室內設計師 ----- 並非自負,她自己也知道這一點;與傑出的建築師歐博爾共事,她應該有出色的表現才對。 因此當他對她採取敵視的態度,並輕視她及她的工作時,她感到十分氣餒。 更令人沮喪的是,她竟愛上了他 ----- 而且獲知迷人的陶薇妮已領先她一步了! 琳黛應該斬斷情絲,回到青梅竹馬的老朋友德偉身旁嗎? Her own heart betrayed her... Lynda Harrow was the very first on-staff interior designer at Dunlop Associates, an architectural fir...
譯者: 邱夢蕾
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #4
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
金妮蒂在未婚夫涅德去逝後,決心珍藏這段回憶,無論對錯,不再談及婚嫁。 但那是四年前的事了,現在她遇見了克雷格,墜入情網,不禁懷疑她的決定是否正確。 但是她的決定真有關係嗎? 因為她不得不承認克雷格不僅不愛她,而且自始至終迷戀另一個女人,也就是被桎梏所限制永遠無法嫁給他的黛妮。 這是發生在土耳其的一段浪漫愛情故事。 She had vowed never to marry... It was three years since the death of Jeanette's fiance. But Jeanette couldn't get over losing him, and reso...
譯者: 蘭玲瑛
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #3(1982-09-20 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Blaise was like a violent summer storm How could Shannon ever hope to understand this man who had given I ight to her world of blindness? He had rushed headlong into her life, turning it upside down. Yet he was as deep and unfathomable as the sea. Living without Blaise Stathern was unthink...
譯者: 謝瑶玲
出版社: 雙大-愛的組曲 #1(1982-09-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
It was not often that anyone got the better of the celebrated writer Duncan Keld, let alone managed to damage his reputation - but journalist Pattie Moss had unwittingly managed to do just that, with the result that Duncan, to put it mildly, had a very low opinion of her. So when Pattie was sent off...
