共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 2151 - 2160 筆
(1 vote)
譯者: 戴函
出版社: 牧童-愛的席夢思 #4(1982-11-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
She wanted only his name, she thought
Father! Kimberley's mind screamed. How could you do this to me? For Selwyn Adams's will stated that his daughter could not inherit unless she were married.
But Kimberley would never marry. If she...
譯者: 陳黛婷
出版社: 牧童-愛的席夢思 #2(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Would he ever believe her love was real?
Mere chance revealed the whereabouts of Manuel Montevio, the legendary Golden Spaniard. And journalist Kristie Roderigo, on holiday in Seville, decided to turn it into a golden opportunity.
(1 vote)
譯者: 潘素琴
出版社: 牧童-愛的席夢思 #1(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
She was no match for his ruthless waysKyla's business was insignificant compared to Marc Nathan's corporation. But that didn't give him the right to pressure her out of her store. She had legal rights!Yet Marc had a disconcerting way of getting under...
譯者: 劉繼仁
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #13(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Priscilla was enraged that the lordly Nikolaos Palaeologus thought her sister Prunella was a nobody, unfit to marry his younger brother. And just because Prunella was an actress!
Well, Priscilla was an actress, too. She would go to Greece and teach Nikolaos a lesson he wouldn't forget She had o...
譯者: 陳仕偉
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #11(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
特莉娜得到了一份家庭教師的工作,目的在協助四個小搗蛋用功唸書。 但是,她到巴洛克邸的第一個晚上,竟然頭插羽毛,手持斧頭,隨著音樂大跳印地安戰舞,正當她和四個小蘿蔔頭興高采烈時,門口出現了一片冰山似的面孔,頓時凍結了所有的人。 這是一個尷尬的場面,特莉娜萬萬沒想到自己會在這種狼狽的情況下,和巴洛克邸的主人見面。
The scar that marked Andrew Dalwin's face w...
譯者: 黄允文
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #10(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
When Sandy first set eyes on the dark, unsmiling Lymond Caldwell, she was reminded of a knight of olden days. And like a chivalrous knight, he seemed to be constantly rescuing her from some predicament or other. But she must beware of being too grateful to him-- for to fall in love with him would be...
譯者: 康華
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #9(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Zoe had not been in Spain long, but already she loved it dearly. She loved Don Ramon Raphaelina too- but what would her chances with him be worth when he learned how she had been deceiving him?
譯者: 潘一輝
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #8(1982-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
"And you mean to tell me," Murray Denning growled, "that you still intend to marry him -- a man as cowardly, as craven as that." He paused. "Then you deserve everything you're asking for --every single miserable moment!"
They stared at each other in anger. But Adrienne possessed a stubborn stre...
譯者: 廖文瑾
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #7(1982-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Liam's words came slowly. "So they were all lies he told me about you, all lies. And I believed him, everything he said about you. Well," he added, "everything's over now, finished."
Everything's over, finished. The words spun in Alyson's head like a roulette wheel. Her marriage to Liam had bee...
譯者: 康華
出版社: 裕泰-我愛羅曼史 #5(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
露西布朗, 一個在孤兒院長大的女孩子。 因為她的善良、 溫柔以及一顆熾熱的愛心, 使她在渡過了十九年又九個月的艱苦生涯後, 得到了一次改變命運的機會, 一次完全料不到的機會, 從此她的人生歷程進入了一個嶄新的階段。
由於蕾伊小姐的大力推薦, 露西獲得了愛育醫院專業復健員的工作。因此她離開了英國, 滿懷希望、 好奇與憂慮的前往一個遙遠的國度----澳洲。 在她搭乘玫瑰輪前往澳洲的途中, 邂逅了高大、黝黑、英俊的泰菲斯 華爾西, 一個有著嚴重心理障礙的醫生。
露西和泰菲斯在一起的時候, 兩人總是針鋒相對, 冷嘲熱諷, 但是, 邱比特的箭偏偏喜歡射向這種尷尬的男女, 他們的情苗也就在成見、誤...