
共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 1721 - 1730 筆
平均:4.3 (10 人灑葉)
譯者: 姚佩盈
出版社: 果樹-Romance Age #196(2013-03-26 出版)
系列書: 賭場系列 #2.0
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 10
平均:4.8 (4 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Red (2009-08-04 出版)
系列書: Dangerous #3.0
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 4
Feelings kill faster than bullets.   That is Drake's creed. A legend, a renegade, a ruthless, powerful enigma understood by no one and feared by all, Viktor "Drake" Drakovich heads up a billion-dollar empire—and shows no mercy to the many enemies who would stop at nothing to destroy him. He i...
平均:3 (1 vote)
出版社: Others英文書 (2011-10-04 出版)
系列書: Windham #4.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 1
All She Wants is Peace and Anonymity... Lady Sophie Windham has maneuvered a few days to herself at the ducal mansion in London before she must join her family for Christmas in Kent. Suddenly trapped by a London snowstorm, she finds herself with an abandoned baby and only the assistance of a kind,...
平均:2 (1 vote)
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley Books (2012-12-31 出版)
系列書: Highland Pleasures #5.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 1
PROPERLY IMPROPER…AND DARING TO LOVE… Juliana St. John was raised to be very proper. After a long engagement, her wedding day dawns—only for Juliana to find herself jilted at the altar. Fleeing the mocking crowd, she stumbles upon Elliot McBride, the tall, passionate Scot who was her first love. H...
平均:4.1 (9 人灑葉)
譯者: 朱立雅
出版社: 春光 暢銷小說 #13(2013-03-14 出版)
系列書: Fifty Shades #3.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 9
當支配不再只是支配,離經叛道的愛逐漸走向正軌, 他們的幸福,是否從此到來…… 我愛他,他也愛我,照理一切應該都很美好, 但,愛上克里斯欽.格雷從來就不會是件簡單的事。 首先,是愛情和麵包的問題, 她很幸運地全都擁有,甚至多出太多, 因此唯一的問題是,她必須學習當個有錢人, 並瞭解這不會抹滅她的人格和獨立,她努力適應,偶爾適應不良,就使出拿手絕活:和格雷唱反調…… 因為安娜的出現,他已逐漸改變,也開始學會表達愛, 而一樁意外的發生,更讓他們決定把握當下,一起攜手迎接未來, 他過去的陰影和她對愛情的不安,比起生離死別,根本不算什麼。 不過,他不得不承認,自己...
平均:5 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2011-06-28 出版)
系列書: London's Greatest Lovers #3.0
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 1
They are masters of seduction,London's greatest lovers . . . Renowned for his bedchamber prowess,Ransom Seymour, the Duke of Ainsley,owes a debt to a friend. But the paymentexpected is most shocking, even to anunrepentant rake—for he's being asked toprovide his friend's exquisite wife withwhat she...
平均:5 (4 人灑葉)
出版社: Others英文書 (2012-04-12 出版)
系列書: Brothers Sinister #0.5
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 4
She will not give up. Three months ago, governess Serena Barton was let go from her position. Unable to find new work, she's demanding compensation from the man who got her sacked: a petty, selfish, swinish duke. But it's not the duke she fears. It's his merciless man of business--the man known as...
平均:3 (12 人灑葉)
譯者: 俞羲
出版社: 三采 (2013-03-08 出版)
系列書: 無法呼吸三部曲 #1.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 12
蓋博熱愛女人,寵愛女人,卻無法相信她們;他和每個人簽下合約,禁止所有親密感情,確保不會再有人背叛他......   越是不該摘取的果實,越想得到 蓋博,英俊富有的企業家,他習慣掌控一切,對於目標總是全力以赴,只要是他想要的東西,他就一定會得到。這是他在商場上的一貫作風,在男女關係中也是如此。 那晚,蓋博在飯店的開幕酒會上再次見到米雅,她是他最好的朋友傑斯的妹妹,他幾乎是看著她長大的,而她現在終於不再是小女孩了。要是傑斯知道他對他的寶貝妹妹下手,鐵定會殺了他。但是沒有人知道,他想要她,已經等得太久了。 於是蓋博決定瞞著傑斯,向米雅提出一項要求:「我要妳當我的私人助理。」 越是危險未知的...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
作者: Cecilia Grant -
出版社: Others英文書 (2012-05-29 出版)
系列書: Blackshear Family #2.0
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 2
Lydia Slaughter understands the games men play—both in and out of the bedroom. Not afraid to bend the rules to suit her needs, she fleeces Will Blackshear outright. The Waterloo hero had his own daring agenda for the gaming tables of London’s gentlemen’s clubs. But now he antes up for a wager of wit...
平均:4.7 (3 人灑葉)
作者: Cecilia Grant -
出版社: Others英文書 (2011-12-27 出版)
系列書: Blackshear Family #1.0
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 3
Newly widowed and desperate to protect her estate and beloved servants from her malevolent brother-in-law, Martha Russell conceives a daring plan. Or rather, a daring plan to conceive. After all, if she has an heir on the way, her future will be secured. Forsaking all she knows of propriety, Martha...
