共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 1591 - 1600 筆
出版社: 尖端-周末羅曼史 #1(1994-04-01 出版)
系列書: River Heights #8.0
文類: 青年羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Karen Jacobs doubts her boyfriend Ben's feeling for an old flame, Lacey Dupree sets out to make it up to Rick Stratton for his accident, and Nikki Masters falls for exchange student Niles Butler, as the three girls discover the stormy paths of love.
譯者: 容寧
出版社: 宇河-典藏小說 #4(2010-06-28 出版)
評鑑: 0
一年之前,泰勒.諾斯在跟凱琳.溫特結婚之前取消了婚約,凱琳於是接受藍寇夫妻的邀請,離開山區的家鄉,前去波士頓拍攝歷史古宅的翻修過程。 結果凱琳竟於古宅發現一具屍體,而殺人兇嫌是泰勒最好的朋友曼尼。泰勒接到謀殺案的消息,料想好友曼尼需要幫助,於是兼程趕去找他。沒想到曼尼反而極力敦促他保護凱琳,帶凱琳返回冰脊,以免她企圖插手謀殺案的調查。 曼尼深知凱琳處於死亡遊戲的中心,唯一可相信的對象便是她發誓不再相信的男人。然而危機已緊迫眉睫,因為兇手尾隨他們來到冰脊,早已設計了超出所有人想像的恐怖殺人計畫……
(13 人灑葉)
作者: Sylvia Day 希維雅‧黛
譯者: 羅澪
出版社: 新經典文化 (2013-05-15 出版)
系列書: 謎情柯洛斯 #2.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 13
(1 vote)
出版社: Others英文書 (2013-02-22 出版)
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 1
Railway financier Simon Davenant has waited seven years for a second chance with Virginia Croswell, his childhood sweetheart and best friend. He's not about to let his impending financial ruin destroy the opportunity.
This time, he'll do anything he can to secure her hand in marriage--even if i...
(2 人灑葉)
作者: Monica Burns -
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley Books (2011-03-01 出版)
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Youth and beauty are a courtesan’s greatest assets. At forty-one, Lady Ruth Attwood appears to have lost both, as her latest lover just abandoned her for a younger mistress. Struggling with the knowledge that she’s no longer considered desirable, she’s uncertain whether to be offended or flattered w...
(2 人灑葉)
作者: Sylvia Day 希維雅‧黛
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley Books (2012-10-23 出版)
系列書: 謎情柯洛斯 #2.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Gideon Cross. As beautiful and flawless on the outside as he was damaged and
tormented on the inside. He was a bright, scorching flame that singed me with
the darkest of pleasures. I couldn't stay away. I didn't want to. He was my
addiction... my every desire... mine.
My past was as viole...
(8 人灑葉)
譯者: 俞羲
出版社: 三采 (2013-05-04 出版)
系列書: 無法呼吸三部曲 #2.0
文類: 情慾羅曼史
評鑑: 8
三個不同性格的男人,一樣令人窒息的愛情 蓋博、傑斯、艾許,紐約市最富有、最有權勢的三個男人。他們一向都能得到想要的任何東西。 傑斯一向樂於和艾許分享任何東西,金錢、事業,還有伴侶。但是這一次,除了他自己,誰都不准碰他的女人... 在愛情的世界裡,永遠不可能有三人行 傑斯和艾許有一個公開的祕密:他們喜歡和同一個女人過夜。 艾許風趣迷人,傑斯的冷酷則像一個深邃的黑洞,這樣熱情與冷靜的組合讓女人趨之若鶩,卻從沒有人能留下來、留在他們的世界。 那一晚,傑斯在米雅的訂婚宴會上遇見了貝瑟妮,他們一如往常地邀請她共渡春宵,但隔天一早,傑斯醒來卻發現貝瑟妮已經從他的懷裡消失了。當傑斯翻遍整個紐約,終於找到她時...
(3 人灑葉)
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin: Mira Books (1998-07-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 3
At seventeen Cathryn Ashe had fought Rule Jackson and lost her innocence, then fled to the anonymity of the city. At twenty-five she was back, sure of herself and her newfound independence and ready to challenge him again.
But Rule had raised the stakes, a...
譯者: 趙敏
出版社: 長橋-愛的諾言 #24(1981-06-15 出版)
評鑑: 0
Hugh Keymer is in love with Flame, but his deranged wife prevents him from divorce. Will he ever become free to marry his true love?
Pamela Wynne 原著
Barbara Cartland 節撰
Ashes of Desire by Pamela Wynne
Condensed by Barbara Cartland for Library of Love series.
譯者: 艷玲
出版社: 長橋-愛的諾言 #23(1981-06-15 出版)
文類: 歷史羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Melita's life at Martinique had seemed blessed with beauty. But when she heard the drums pounding softly in the night, she remembered what she had heard about Voodoo.
Following the sound she pushed her way through the branches and saw a group of slaves swaying around candles in the clearing. In...