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Alistair Carsington really, really wishes he didn’t love women quite so much. To escape his worst impulse, he sets out for a place far from civilization: Derbyshire – in winter! There he hopes to kill two birds with one stone: avoid all temptation – and repay the friend who saved his life on the fields of Waterloo. But his noble aim drops him straight into opposition with Miss Mirabel Oldridge, a woman every bit as intelligent, obstinate, and devious as he – and maddeningly irresistible.
Mirabel Oldridge already has her hands full keeping her brilliant and aggravatingly eccentric father out of trouble. The last thing she needs is a stunningly attractive, oversensitive, and overbright aristocrat reminding her she has a heart – not to mention a body he claims is so unstylishly clothed that undressing her is practically a civic duty.
Could the situation be any worse? And why foes something so wrong feel so very wonderful?
果樹-Romance Age 2006-10-01 |
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Re: Miss Wonderful by Loretta Cahse
LC Carsington家族的第一本。第一句話:「Earl Hargate有五子,其中三個是多出來的。」就已經夠好笑的了。因為長子是繼承人,次子是萬一有事時接替長子的備份,之後三個就是麻煩: 老爸要負責幫他們在政府機關謀個一官半職,或是找個有錢的老婆,三四五才不會因為沒錢沒爵位在人前抬不起頭。
Alistair是滑鐵盧之戰的英雄,在戰場一腿受傷回到英國,成為女士們心中的偶像。只有Lord Hargate知道他的麻煩 – 愛漂亮 最捨得花錢(花老爸的錢)製裝,還有愛女生 從14歲起 每次跟女生交往 最後都得老爸付錢解決!
女主角Miss Wonderful – Mirabel 的父親是大地主 也是植物學家 自從Mirabel母親死後 她父親便無心家事只鑽研植物 偶而會恍神走失 Mirabel要負起照顧父親/大片莊園/僱工/佃農的責任 沒有社交生活 也沒有親近的女性朋友 所以極其不注重外表
因為看了有一陣了 年齡記不太清楚 Alistair好像30左右而Mirabel比他大1~2歲 (基本上Carsington系列還真是大哥哥大姊姊的故事)
可以想像Alistair看到Mirabel 不是想幫她脫帽子(帽子太醜)就是想幫她梳頭髮(因為Mirabel自己梳頭 總是蓬鬆著頭髮 髮夾一會兒便自動脫落)
Alistair的任務是要說服Oldrige父女同意在他們的土地上建一條鐵路 以便載運他們鄰居-也是Alistair在滑鐵盧的救命恩人Gordmor開採的煤礦(?)
Oldridge是不願意的 因為鐵路的路線要經過莊園最美的一塊地方 也是Mirabel母親最愛的一處景致 所以她的墓園就建在看得到的地方
南轅北轍的兩個人怎麼走上紅毯的那一端? 在婚禮前Alistair爬梯子溜進新娘房 本來是想給Mirabel一個毀婚的機會 結果….兩人讓親友來賓等了好一會兒才出現………..請有興趣的同協自己看吧
沒有Mr. Impossible那麼熱鬧 (Rupert本就會鬧)還不錯看 4葉