由 VTR 在 發表
The heir of Lord of Hargate, Benedict Carsington, Viscount Rathbourne, is the perfect aristocrat. Tall, Dark, and handsome, he is known for his impeccable manners and good breeding. Benedict knows all the rules and has no trouble following them – until she enters his life.
Bathsheba Wingate belongs to the rotten branch of the DeLucey family: a notorious lot of liars, frauds, and swindlers. Small wonder her husband’s high-born family disowned him. Now widowed, she’s determined to give her daughter a stable life and a proper upbringings. Nothing and no one will disrupt Bathsheba’s plans – until he enters her life.
Then Bathsheba’s hoyden daughter lures Benedict’s precocious nephew into a quest for a legendary treasure. To recover the would-be knights errant, Benedict and Bathsheba must embark on a rescue mission that puts them in dangerous, intimate proximity. It’s a situation virtually guaranteed to end in mayhem – even scandal! – if anyone else were involved. But Benedict is in perfect control of events. Perfect control, despite his mad desire to break all the rules. Perfect control. Really,
果樹-Romance Age 2007-05-29 |
siren replied on 固定網址
Re: Lord Perfect
這是我看LC的第一本作品, 覺得童鞋們對她的美譽完全是實至名歸!
模範爵爺除了批評女人及小孩的腦容量, 有些踩到我地雷之外, 聰明及解決問題導向, 願意為女主角所做的付出, 完全堪稱模範~
對話穿插了希臘羅馬神話人物及莎士比亞作品, 呈現LC的文學底子, 很合我胃口~
稍不滿意之處是結局鋪陳不足, 有Deus ex machina之嫌, 4.5葉推薦!
VTR replied on 固定網址
Re: Lord Perfect by Loretta Chase
鰥夫是Benedict Carsington, Lord Rathbourne, Carsington五兄弟的老大,37歲,Lord Hargate的繼承人,掌管Hargate家大小事務,很有政治前途,喜歡調查犯罪行為,為人不苟言笑,尊禮行儀不逾矩,從無緋聞,人稱「完美爵士」。他結褵6載的夫人三年前因為到貧民區作護理義工,感染疾病死亡,沒有子嗣,目前代管教小舅子難纏的13歲獨生子Peregrine,視為己出。
寡婦是Bathsheba Wingate, 壞DeLucey家族的後代 ,32歲。傳說當年她用美貌誘惑Wingate家的小兒子Jack,不顧家族反對與她結婚,壞Delucey家族專長吃喝玩樂招搖撞騙,沒有家產,所以Wingate家與Jack斷絕往來,Jack是名門貴族,不事工作,實際上Bathsheba從小被嚴格教導成淑女,因為這樣才能嫁到有錢的好老公,而他們10年多的婚姻一直靠Bathsheba作畫教畫為生,直到Jack因為墜馬受傷致死。他們有一個古靈精怪的女兒Olivia,現在12歲了,Bathsheba為了想給女兒一個好的生活環境和好的教育,來到倫敦。
LC用一貫的幽默筆法描述這對鰥夫寡婦,最感人的是,在最壞的情況下,他們仍保持對家人的愛和責任感,完全沒有怨言。(啊,Benedict心中小有抱怨他父親把責任都交給他,大小事都要他負責,但他也都扛了下來 – 事實證明Benedict 跟他父親都很瞭解對方的!) 對話一樣精彩犀利,喜歡LC式對話的同協絕不會失望!(福利…當然也是有的!)
一直以為Hargate家中最強的是Hargate夫人,但是這本出來一位Hargate婆婆(Lord Hargate的母親大人),人在家中坐但是無事不知曉,Benedict跟寡婦上路的事,還是Hargate婆婆把兒子叫去指點。(因此得知老二Geoffrey婚姻美滿正帶著家人到Sussex探訪姻親,老三Alistair在Derbyshire等待他與Miss Wonderful的第一個小孩出生,老五Darius也在那邊,老四Rupert Mr. Impossible跟新婚夫人女學者Daphne在倫敦小憩準備再訪埃及)又從書末Olivia給Peregrine的信中得知,Hargate婆婆跟她的好友團在設計幫Darius找老婆了。