由 鈕釦 在 發表
A Dazzling Charade
Lady Lily Walters played her part to perfection. At glittering balls and fashionable soirees, her low-cut gowns and empty chatter kept everyone from guessing the truth -- that this sensuous flirt was really a spy. Willingly, she risked her life to pass on vital secrets only she could divulge. But when the dangerously attractive Duke of Remmington took her in his arms, she found herself wishing that just once she could drop her masquerade and show him the woman she really was....
A Dangerous Desire
To Remmington, a man whose secrets and scars ran deep, Lady Lily was one more beautiful woman to be enjoyed and discarded...until he found her running in terror through the London streets. Suddenly he knew that there was more to this alluring woman than she let on. He didn't know why her life was in danger; he only knew that he had to protect her. Yet when he forced her to take shelter in his town house, he would compromise her honor and do something far worse -- unleash their passion in a world of war and intrigue, where the greatest danger of all was in daring to love.
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Re: SCOUNDREL by Elizabeth Elliott
雷明頓心裡清楚這些女人對他的想法。對他來說,同樣的錯誤不會犯二次。他只要享受漂亮的女伴,但不想有任何認真的關係。這回他盯上的是有名的花瓶 Lady Lillian Walters。大家都知道Lady Lillian有著漂亮的臉蛋,令人讚嘆的身材,和不怎麼聰明的腦袋,應該是個可以好聚好散的對象。只是他怎麼也想不到,這個花瓶的脾氣還挺大的,而且那雙無邪大眼下隱藏的秘密,是他怎麼也想不到的。