由 鈕釦 在 發表

When Miss Samantha Prendregast arrives at Devil's Fell to take charge of six rebellious girls, the vibrant, outspoken governess is not quite prepared to deal with the tall, dark and dashing master of the grand estate. The children she can manage with intelligence, guile ... and a little bribery. Their widowed father, Colonel William Gregory, is not so easily charmed -- and far too easy to fall in love with, which she dares not do.
William always cherished the orderliness of his life, until this captivating troublemaker began flouting his authority and distracting him with her witty defiance and breathtaking beauty. Despite the fact that they clash at every meeting, William finds himself inexplicablydrawn to Samantha's fire. And now he's even contemplating marriage, which would be sweet madness indeed.
But before he can successfully woo her, William must discover what it is that Samantha is hiding from him. But the secret the lady is preciously guarding is far too shocking and dangerous to ever reveal ...
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Re: MY FAVORITE BRIDE by Christina Dodd
My Favorite Bride 這本書基本上也是女家教系列作,第幾本我就不曉得了...反正CD寫了一串跟肉粽一樣長的女家教就是了...
My Favorite Bride 非常 The Sound of Music, 非常真善美 喜歡真善美電影的人可能會極度喜愛,要不就像我一樣覺得200頁前難以下嚥...
男女主角的情愛糾葛...well,CD果然有投靠維京出版社的本錢這本重鹹度是沒One Kiss from You 那麼強,但也還不錯 - 就前廊就地板的...男女主角的背骨可能都有練過瑜珈,所以沒聽他們滾那麼久有唉一聲痛...對不起,誤以為是在"鹽湖城"所以離題了...anyway,總之呢,男主角當然是對女主角一見鍾情,深受吸引啦 但囿於身份之別,總是內心多所掙扎...就在克服內心魔障,與女主角春風一度後,決定求婚建立美滿家庭時,卻發現女主角不光彩的過去...