由 鈕釦 在 發表

In 1839 England, the newly formed Distinguished Academy of Governesses is a daring venture. Three young ladies--wellborn, beautiful, and poor--have decided to take destiny into their own hands and carve a societal niche as governesses. The Academy's first client employs Lady Charlotte Dalrumple to teach her untrained grandchildren the rules of proper English society. It isn't until Charlotte meets the children that she realizes she's also been hired to re-train their father, who left England at 15 for a life of adventure among the Bedouins of the Far East. Once she meets the handsome Viscount Wynter Ruskin, it becomes instantly apparent to Charlotte why his mother feels he needs instruction in manners--the viscount seems determined to shock her at every turn.
Wynter accepts his mother's edict that he pay heed to Charlotte's lessons in decorum, but only because he has plans for the lovely young woman. He needs a wife and Charlotte fills his requirements perfectly. But while Wynter is tutoring her in the art of seduction, Charlotte just might teach the stubborn viscount more about women and his heart than he'd planned to learn.
果樹-Romance Age 2004-06-30 |
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: RULES OF SURRENDER by Christina Dodd
Christina Dodd 的女家教系列,第一本是【Rules of Surrender】,第二本則是【Rules of Engagement】。
這本【Rules of Surrender】的男主角 Wynter 頗受爭議,有些讀者認為他是未開化的野蠻人,對待女主角 Charlotte 的態度太頑劣。有些讀者則和我一樣,覺得他將禮教規範踩在他赤裸腳底(他不只一次光著腳出現在瞠目結舌的貴族同儕們面前,甚至還有一次只穿著欲蓋彌彰的薄薄絲袍就在宴客廳裡登堂入室呢)的行為,令人無法抗拒。
他不是偶最愛的黑髮尼克,而是髮長過肩的金髮蠻子,藐視維多利亞時代的一切禮節,認為女人只是男人的附屬品。他對女主角予取予求,沒有一點紳士風度,更遑論追求藝術。但儘管男尊女卑的觀念已根深柢固地深植在他腦裡,他表現出來的行為卻不真的粗蠻或低劣。從十五歲離家之後就流落到異鄉,和貝都因人生活了十幾年,由原先的受虐和排斥,演變為後來的接納,甚至在那裡娶妻生子,完全融入了回教世界的習俗,直到他的母親巧妙的計劃迫使他不得不離開那片狂野荒漠,回到他不熟悉的、嚴謹僵硬的英格蘭貴族世界。這個年僅二十八歲的鰥夫,已有一雙年齡分別是十歲和八歲的兒女,雖然頂著子爵的頭銜,他卻用一連串驚世駭俗的行為來嘲弄保守的社交圈人士,並且還樂此不疲。眼見自己的兒子需要文明洗禮,Wynter 的母親不得不求助於專業人士,於是便找上了女主角 Charlotte 的「女家教學院」,名義上僱用 Charlotte 當她孫子女的教師,事實上卻是希望 Charlotte 能教導她兒子 Wynter 合宜的社交禮節,讓 Wynter 脫胎換骨。
當然 Charlotte 一開始並不曉得 Wynter 母親心裡打的如意算盤。她一直以為她的學生是 Wynter 的混血子女,直到 Wynter 的母親透露出實情, Charlotte才 驚覺到她正面對著職業生涯的最大挑戰。由有甚之,她必須隱藏住自己剛烈的真性情,維持她拘謹端莊的女家教形象(而且還是個年過二十五的老處女家教)。我們狂野不羈但卻又極奇敏銳的男主角 Wynter,當然很快地就看出 Charlotte 並 不像她刻意表現出來的那般中規中矩。為了激怒她,粉碎她的自制和偽裝,他無所不用其極,挑釁挑逗樣樣來,可憐的 Charlotte 在負嵎頑抗之後,終究還是招架不住地原形畢露啦。她以為自己的責任是將流氓變為紳士,卻沒想到這個聰明的惡棍根本無須被調教,更不知道自己正一步步地走入他設下的的激情陷阱裡……