Reaper's Legacy is a raw and intensely erotic tale in Joanna Wylde's Reapers Motorcycle Club series.
Eight years ago, Sophie gave her heart-and her virginity-to Zach Barrett on a night that couldn't have been less romantic or more embarrassing. Zach's step-brother, a steely-muscled, tattooed biker named Ruger, caught them in the act, getting a peep show of Sophie he's never forgotten.
She may have lost her dignity that fateful night, but Sophie also gained something precious-her son Noah. Unfortunately, Zach's a deadbeat dad, leaving Ruger to be Noah's only male role model. When he discovers Sophie and his nephew living in near poverty, Ruger takes matters into his own hands-with the help of the Reapers Motorcycle Club-to give them a better life.
Living with outlaw bikers wasn't Sophie's plan for her son, but Ruger isn't giving her a choice. He'll be there for Noah, whether she wants him or not. But Sophie does want him, has always wanted him. Now she'll learn that taking a biker to bed can get a girl dirty in every way . . .
The Reapers Motorcycle Club series is a fresh and gritty romance series from Joanna Wylde, which fans of Fifty Shades and Sons of Anarchy will lust after. Reaper's Legacy is followed by Devil's Game.
Praise for Reaper's Legacy:
'Mixes a super-hot bad guy, a struggling young single mother, and sex that blisters the imagination, resulting in a thrill ride as raw as it is well written' Publishers Weekly
Joanna Wylde is a freelance writer who lives in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
eihi replied on 固定網址
Re: Reaper's Legacy
這本在Reaper's MC系列裡,應該算是一般人比較容易接受的,不過Joanna Wlyde的下手向來很重,口味麻辣交加,說是清淡,其實當中還是有不少的辣點,畢竟是Erotic Romance。
很明顯MC(motorcycle) Club,之於我和Sop是兩種截然不同的意義。
我想到的是一堆老人騎Harley Dacison在北海岸曬太陽。但是對於一個孩子的媽,MC Club象徵的是法外之地,一群以F****為主詞的人,跟開不完的性愛趴。就某些方面而言,其實Sop的想法也沒錯,我要是她,也會把小孩跟些人隔的遠遠的。
但是,出於經濟跟感情的因素,很明顯事情總不會如自己所願的發展。加上Kimber,Sop的好友,在一旁把事情攪得更亂(是甚麼樣的好友可以建議去脫衣吧兼差養小孩?),Uncle Ruger(好有長腿叔叔的感覺)終於忍不住出手了,希望Sop當自己的old lady。
牛牽到Idaho還是牛,Uncle Ruger也很誠實地表明自己可能管不住自己的褲子。加上Reaper's 的死對頭Devil's Jack在劫持Reaper MC主席的女兒Emmy同時,順便綁架了Sop,最後一根稻草壓下來,Uncle Ruger眼看就要出局。
這時,作者插入了Sop和前夫Zach分手的真正原因。Zach是家暴慣犯,不留痕跡且忌妒成性,特別是對自己的Stepbrother Ruger看不順眼。Sop當年就是利用這一點讓Zach失控,對自己痛下毒手,取的保護令才得以離婚。所以,當Zach突出其來的出現在Sop面前,暴力威脅要殺了自己的小孩,你很難責怪Sop採取了反抗行動,以人之道,還治其人之身。還順便call 了 Uncle Ruger幫忙善後。
Sop覺悟自己在走投無路之下,其實並沒有比MC 裡的人好到哪裡去,加上Ruger經歷過綁架事件,發現自己在Sop之後,突然管得住自己的褲子了,所以"Property of Ruger"就套在Sophie的身上了。
對了,五年後Sop還生了Faith ,Ruger的女兒,這算是後記了。
寫完這個自己覺得比好萊塢還要扯的劇情,發現Joanna Wylde真是了不起。
先不要說,我已經掉進這個坑裡爬不起來,還打算一路追下去。在讀的時候,Sop跟Ruger之間的張力,跟劇情的安排,你會覺得這實在不是印象中的羅曼史,應該是犯罪小說側錄,加上該辣的地方卻一點也不少,還辣的你哇哇叫,果然是Erotic Romance。晉級版的ASI。如果你已經膩了糖果般的羅曼史,歡迎來到Reaper's MC.