由 鈕釦 在 發表

London's most notorious rogue—decadent, depraved, forbidden
The ladies of the ton won't stop whispering about deliciously wicked Jack Dodger—once a thieving street urchin, now the wealthy owner of London's most exclusive gentleman's club. There's no pleasure he hasn't enjoyed, no debauchery the handsome scoundrel won't provide for the lords who flock to his house of carnal intrigue.
London's most virtuous lady—honorable, uncorrupted, and all too human
Olivia, Duchess of Lovingdon, would never associate with such a rogue. So when Jack is named sole heir to the duke's personal possessions, the beautiful, well-bred lady is outraged. Now, Olivia is forced to share her beloved home with this despicable man.
Caught between the devil and desire
But Olivia's icy disdain is no match for Jack's dangerous charm. His touch awakens desire. His kiss demands surrender. She will struggle to bar Jack from her heart . . . but her body, coveting divine release, will not let her bar him from her bed.
放鬆心情 replied on 固定網址
Re: Between the Devil and Desire
剛剛看完第一本Luke 和 Catherine 的故事,立刻就看這本Jake 和 Oliver 了。
第一,我想說Lorraine Heath 的書很好很好看。 英文一點都不難,我們有kindle 字典幫忙一點可以看得很投入。她用簡單的英文,比喻說出意思,讓人看得回心微笑。
我喜歡這部比Luke 的故事多。Luke 的書太多事情發生,內心戲不是太多。反而這本,其實故事簡單,我好像認識他們一樣。
我超喜歡頭半本書Jake 和 Oliver 鬥嘴的段落,其實這些橋段很多書也有,但是這本說得特別到肉,我半夜一個人看是也會自己在笑。我覺得女孩子其實想要一個男人有時候氣下她,生活才不會那麼悶。想下Oliver 這個守規矩的女孩,也為了寂寞試過挑逗她前夫。
Oliver 忍耐力很強啊,就算自己很想也拒絕了Jake 幾次。女孩們,我們又學到野了,越得不到男人越想要。
bookworm replied on 固定網址
Re: Between the Devil and Desire
Michelle replied on 固定網址
Re: Between the Devil and Desire
"Times New Roman"">在
mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">中, Jack Dodger
mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">陰險狡詐而且唯利是圖,來到自己當主角的 een the Devil and Desire>
mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">就明說了他為何會如此不討喜。五歲時,被媽媽賣掉後,開始一段 非常悲慘的街頭生活,他以為只有錢能給他安全感,所以視錢如命。
天上掉下來的大禮--非常不熟的Lovingdon公爵過世後,竟留給Jack Dodger "Times New Roman"">所有的不限名繼承的大筆遺產,條件是他必須擔任公爵五歲兒子的監護人。這麼個大好機會,Jack Dodger "Times New Roman"">怎麼會放過,但是,公爵的遺孀Olivia mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">怎麼能讓這位街頭惡棍來教養兒子呢。因此兩人開始了一連串的衝突與謀合。在過程中,激情迅速產生,愛情則慢慢醞釀,最後也揭發了Jack mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">的身世之謎,算是滿老套的愛情故事。不過比起第一本
"Times New Roman"">,這本相對遜色,給四葉。
"Times New Roman"">發現我和Lorraine Heath mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">的寫作風格和文字超級合拍,平常看某些原文書時,需要看個兩三段才能適應作者用字和文風,但我看Lorraine Heath mso-hansi-font-family:"Times New Roman"">的書,都是一路讀下去,很好消化。她喜歡用一串排比的句子,讓人看得很過癮。
majowitch replied on 固定網址
Re: Between the Devil and Desire
xueluo replied on 固定網址
Re: Between the Devil and Desire