由 鈕釦 在 發表

When Caroline Trent is kidnapped by Blake Ravenscroft, she doesn't even try to elude this dangerously handsome agent of the crown. After all, she's been running from unwanted marriage proposals. Yes, Blake believes she's a notorious spy named Carlotta De Leon, but for six weeks until her twenty-first birthday, when she'll gain control of her fortune, hiding out in the titillating company of a mysterious captor is awfully convenient -- and maybe just a little romantic, too.
Blake Ravenscroft's mission is to bring "Carlotta" to justice, not to fall in love. His heart has been hardened by years of intrigue, but this little temptress proves oddly disarming and thoroughly kissable. And suddenly the unthinkable becomes possible -- that this mismatched Couple might be destined for love.
Laura replied on 固定網址
Re: TO CATCH AN HEIRESS by Julia Quinn
我喜歡Julia Quinn 在這本書的創意,她讓Caroline 擁有一本個人字典,每一回開始時, 就是她的新單字+例句,而Caroline 的心情轉折就在這些單字中! 這些字可真不是普通的難, 所以一開始時, Blake 還以為是間諜密碼呢! (我自許為單字通, 但卻只認出一個字, 嗚嗚嗚...)
Julia Quinn 是我心中的 woman of letters.
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: TO CATCH AN HEIRESS by Julia Quinn
要給 4.5 葉
我們的 Caroline 確實是個“粉不幸的”女主角,短短十年內就被“轉手”五次。如果她真是瘟神,必然也是很令人喝采的那種,畢竟十年內能連續剋死四個監護人(當然,雞骨頭和馬蹄亦功不可沒啦
哈哈哈,沒錯沒錯,她被 Blake 俘虜時的表現真不愧是天才
!把自己的喉嚨虐待到失聲來規避 Blake 審問的花招已經夠爆笑了,在明白自己必須以筆代口回覆問題時,左撇子的她故意用右手寫出的「鬼畫符」,更是讓我笑到前俯後仰!
Blake 的姊姊來訪時,Caroline 被迫必須“藏匿”起來的那整幕描述也非常逗趣。之前之後的一連串發展,更是絕無冷場啦
反正啊,我每次拿起 JQ 的書,不笑到顏面神經抽筋是不可能的啦
MAY replied on 固定網址
Re: TO CATCH AN HEIRESS by Julia Quinn
I LOVE this book very much!!!!! ( BUT Romancing Mister Bridgerton was my most FAVORITE !!!!! ^_*)
This book was very relax, funny,andd will made you smile andd feel happy & relax after reading!!!!!!!太 精彩了!!!!!
Now i become one of Julia Quinn No 1 big fans....^O^她書裡的角色實在太 討人喜歡了