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A duke’s daughter isn’t supposed to court scandal in Regency England. She isn’t supposed to involve herself in controversial causes. And she most especially isn’t supposed to expect love in a ton marriage. But Lady Elizabeth isn’t just any duke’s daughter. She’s a Kellington. And her expectations are somewhat higher than most people’s.
Marcus Redmond, the Marquess of Riverton, has been in love with his best friend’s sister for years. When Lizzie’s reputation is damaged, he offers her marriage, hoping she will come to care for him eventually. But can the upright, staid Riverton make a love match with the impulsive, passionate Lizzie – especially when there are those who are determined to come between them?
NEVER MISS A CHANCE is a sizzling romance with a touch of humor. It contains adult situations and sexually explicit language. It’s the second book in the Kellington series about the Duke of Lynwood and his four siblings. The series started with NEVER A MISTRESS, NO LONGER A MAID.
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Re: Never Miss a Chance
男主角外表是個正經八百的人,他說:妳的眼睛的顏色像青苔。女主角說:哪有人說眼睛顏色像青苔的?! 好歹也說像綠寶石吧?! 這是讚美嗎? 男主角繼續很認真的說:如果有人說妳眼睛顏色像綠寶石,那他一定沒有認真看妳的眼睛。因為妳的眼睛顏色就是像青苔的顏色。(話說,他暗戀女主角很久了,對她的一點一滴都觀察入心)。
女主角最後很好笑。兩人確定要結婚了,她又跑去報社發表一篇新的女權的文章。她的哥哥跟未婚夫知道後都又傻眼又生氣,但她跟未婚夫說:我們都確定要結婚了,所以我再爆出甚麼醜聞也不會嫁不出去呀! 更何況我以後是侯爵夫人了,這樣我講的話就更有影響力了。所以我當然要繼續發表文章...。(大概這個意思)
吉普賽人預言她未來是議會中第一位女性議員呢! 酷斃了!