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When Arthur Kellington was fifteen, a Romany fortune teller predicted that his true love would be killed. Since then, he’s resolved to never fall in love. He has no trouble keeping his resolution until he meets Vanessa Gans, an agent with the Home Office who is on the trail of two hardened criminals. As he finds himself falling for her, he must keep his distance emotionally as the only way to protect them both.
Despite her illegitimate birth, Vanessa Gans has worked her way up to being one of the Crown’s finest agents. She’s reluctant to accept Arthur’s help initially because she doesn’t want to place him in danger. Then she realizes her heart is truly at risk because there can be no honorable future between them.
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Re: Never Wager Against Love
老實說我看完這三本,超級超級期待大哥Lynwood的故事,他在其他三本書中的表現一直讓我想到maiden lane系列中第五本Maximus,也是一個從小就擔負公爵重任的角色,總是壓抑自己,外表十足的公爵貴族,但是內心一直有個情緒想要釋放出來。