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The Heart of Christmas: A Handful of Gold\ The Season for Suitors\ This Wicked Gift
'Tis The Season For Falling In Love...
A Handful of Gold
A love story from New York Times bestselling author Mary Balogh
Not only is Julian Dare dashing and wealthy, but he's the heir to an earldom. So what do you get a man who has everything? Innocent and comely Verity Ewing plans on giving Julian her heart—the most precious gift of all.
The Season for Suitors
An original romance from Nicola Cornick
After some close encounters with rakes in which she was nearly compromised, heiress Clara Davenport realizes that she needs some expert advice. And who better for the job than Sebastian Fleet, the most notorious rake in town? But the tutelage doesn't go quite as planned, as both Sebastian and Clara find it difficult to remain objective when it comes to lessons of the heart!
This Wicked Gift
An original romance from Courtney Milan
Lavinia Spencer has been saving her hard-earned pennies to provide her family with Christmas dinner. Days before the holiday, her brother is swindled, leaving them owing more than they can ever repay. Until a mysterious benefactor offers to settle the debt. Innocent Lavinia is stunned by what the dashing William White wants in return. Will she exchange a wicked gift for her family's fortune?
天空 replied on 固定網址
Re: The Heart of Christmas: A Handful of Gold\ The Season for...
目前只看了《This Wicked Gift》,所以四片葉子是針對這個故事的。另外兩篇都是舊調重彈,等哪天有提起興致看完再來匯報。
Courtney Milan實在厲害,這篇與上次我大力推薦的《The Governess Affair》一樣,故事的主角也不是貴族。男主角William是自食其力的會計,女主角Lavinia是租書店老板的女兒。我喜歡Courtney Milan筆下的普通人,沒有貴族們那些繁瑣的社交禮儀和虛偽的準則,即使過著艱難的生活,在困境中也不放棄對愛情的追求。