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I have a great passion for London and its magnificent noble houses, where I have met many gentlemen from Court circles. My ambition is set on making a good marriage, and I intend to have a great household of my own, where you can come to stay. I wish with all my heart that you could visit these grand places with me, to see the Tudor courtiers bedecked in velvets and jewels, to listen to the music as it floats down from the minstrels' galleries and be waited upon by the liveried footmen. For me, it is like a dream come true. I long to share with you all the wonders of this glorious city, and vow that someday I shall!
Yours alone,
Mistress Elizabeth Hardwick (Bess)
From New York Times bestselling author Virginia Henley, whose novels have enchanted readers worldwide, comes a stunningly romantic new novel brimming with the sensual tension, humor, and narrative verve that have become her trademarks.
Set amid the glittering, bawdy, and intrigue-riddled society of Elizabethan England and based on the real-life heroine Elizabeth Hardwick, A Woman of Passion tells the story of a beautiful, ambitious commoner who rises to the position of lady-in-waiting to Queen Elizabeth I and loves four very different husbands along the way.
Vowing to put poverty and powerlessness behind her, fifteen-year-old Bess Hardwick takes a suitable position at the London home of a wealthy noblewoman. There she is plunged into an exciting new world of riches and privilege, and makes the acquaintance of friends, potential enemies, and powerful men who will change the course of her life. Among them are Elizabeth, an uncommonly shrewd yet lonely princess who would become an indomitable queen; charming and dangerously seductive William Cavendish, the king's ambitious financial adviser, who is determined to have Bess at any cost save marriage; the adoring, tenderhearted Robert Barlow; the proper and dutiful aristocrat Sir William St. Loe; and George Talbot, the devilishly handsome heir to the earldom of Shrewsbury, whose wicked daring ignites in Bess the passion of a lifetime.
With the fast-paced storytelling style, historical sweep, and insight into a woman's heart that have made her one of the most popular writers of historical romance, Virginia Henley takes readers on a breathless journey through the adventure-filled prime of life of A Woman of Passion.
Hardcover, 464 pages
Published July 13th 1999 by Delacorte Press (first published January 2nd 1985)
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: A Woman of Passion
我真不敢相信我的第一本荷莉嫂的原文居然是這本!!本來想先看Ravished的。但在好奇心氾濫下還是忍不住偷看了A Woman of Passion和Undone,一開始只是很好奇本書女主角是不是真的梅開四度!!!!這種四嫁的劇情真的可以嗎

命令建議女主角嫁給Sir William St. Loe以解決女主角的債務,Sir William家有恆產,可以幫她還債並好好的扶養她的"六個"小孩長大,可是這第三位男主角年事已高又是處男(好像)身體力行的調教下勉強堪用,可總比不上她的第二任丈夫,後來也漸漸不行了而我們年輕美麗的女主角怎耐得住猛男的撩撥呢!!在第四位男主角 George Talbot, the devastating Earl of Shrewsbury持續不斷的追求之下還是淪陷了,其實第四位男主角在故事裡一直出現跟女主角交手過,但是當時的貴族都很早婚,尤其是這位家族勢力掌握半個英格蘭的男主角也是在12歲時就結婚了,兩人初見面的時候女主角才剛進宮,之間當然有激.烈.衝.突,男主角覺得女主角是為錢勾搭男人,還開她胸部的玩笑(我猜他是胸奴,當初一定超哈女主角的),女主角受他吸引又被他氣得牙癢癢的。