
共有 42824 筆資料,目前是 41891 - 41900 筆
平均:4.8 (5 人灑葉)
出版社: Macmillan- St. Martin's (2004-08-03 出版)
系列書: Dark-Hunter #5.0
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 5
Bride McTierney has had it with men. They're cheap, self-centered, and never love her for who she is. But though she prides herself on being independent, deep down she still yearns for a knight in shining armor. She just never expected her knight in shining armor to have a shiny coat of fur......
平均:4 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Macmillan- St. Martin's (2004-04-01 出版)
系列書: Dark-Hunter
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Wulf is an ancient Viking warrior with a useful but extremely aggravating power-amnesia. No one who meets him in person can remember him 5 minutes later. It makes it easy to have one-night stands, but hard to have a meaningful relationship, and without true love he can never regain his soul. When he...
平均:4.8 (4 人灑葉)
出版社: Macmillan- St. Martin's (2003-12-01 出版)
系列書: Dark-Hunter
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 5
Zarek's Point of View: Dark-Hunter: A soulless guardian who stands between mankind and those who would see mankind destroyed. Yeah, right. The only part of that Code of Honor I got was eternity and solitude. Insanity: A condition many say I suffer from after being alone for so long. But I...
平均:4 (2 人灑葉)
出版社: Macmillan- St. Martin's (2003-07-01 出版)
系列書: Dark-Hunter
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Dear Reader, Life is great for me. I have my chicory coffee, my warm beignets, and my best friend on the cell phone. Once the sun goes down, I am the baddest thing prowling the night: I command the elements, and I know no fear. For centuries, I've protected the innocent and watched over the man...
平均:4.3 (4 人灑葉)
出版社: Macmillan- St. Martin's (2002-10-13 出版)
系列書: Dark-Hunter
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 5
**系列說明: Dark-Hunter, Book # 2 ** St. Martin's Paperbacks, September 2002 Dear Reader, Have you ever wanted to know what it's like to be immortal? To journey through the night stalking the evil that preys on humans? To have unlimited wealth, unlimited power? That is my existence, and it i...
平均:4.7 (3 人灑葉)
出版社: Macmillan- St. Martin's (2002-02-01 出版)
系列書: Dark-Hunter
文類: 奇幻羅曼史
評鑑: 8
Dear reader, Being trapped in a bedroom with a woman is a grand thing. Being trapped in hundreds of bedrooms over two thousand years isn’t. And being cursed into a book as a love-slave for eternity can ruin even a Spartan warrior’s day. As a love-slave, I know everything about women. How t...
平均:3.8 (5 人灑葉)
譯者: 姜恩娜
出版社: 林白-浪漫經典 #300
評鑑: 5
藍海婷是一個羅曼史暢銷作家,一個快樂的年輕女性—至少,她自己這麼認為。當然啦,她的朋友們會覺得她不該再貪求了,但她有時候以為她做的事只不過是虛度時日而已。 她決定寫一本小說,內容是關於一對愛侶,他們在今世的遭遇被前世搞得錯綜複雜。她決定去找一位占星大師。占星大師娜拉告訴她:她的上一世出現在英國愛德華時代,那時她是狄葛雷伯爵的夫人。她給搞迷糊了,深入發掘的結果,發現狄葛雷伯爵夫人是喜歡到處招蜂引蝶的女人,有一天夜裡神秘失蹤了。聽說她事先毒殺了她的丈夫,她的鬼魂自此徘徊於舊居。海婷知道以後,像中邪似的。 雖然娜拉警告她不要再深入探索,海婷還是很堅持。她在朋友家的聚會中遇見了一位...
平均:5 (1 vote)
譯者: 劉莎蘭
出版社: 林白-浪漫經典 #299(1995-09-12 出版)
文類: 黑暗時期, 時空旅行
評鑑: 1
星期六上午,白英蒂正在一位科學天才的辦公室複習她的電腦技能,卻怎麼也沒想到只是按錯一個鍵,這位美麗的寡婦就轉送到查理曼時代----而且就在戰場正中央! 英蒂被迫接受充滿男性氣概的雷喬爾伯爵的保護。一開始她氣壞了他傲慢自大的態度----還有他堅持和她睡在一起。一位現代的職業婦女怎麼適應得了這種野蠻時代?但不自覺地,她發現自己可以和他們大嚼熊肉.喝著啤酒,在危險的旅途中自立,並渴望著夜裡喬爾神奇的踫觸,她開始納悶自己是否想再回到原來的時光了.........
平均:2.5 (2 人灑葉)
譯者: 秦雨荷
出版社: 林白-浪漫經典 #298
文類: 西部拓荒
評鑑: 2
平均:4 (1 vote)
譯者: 李維薇
出版社: 林白-浪漫經典 #297(1995-08-29 出版)
評鑑: 2
命運正在和惡名昭彰的浪子薛尼克作對。首先,他由已故的弟弟繼承一份他不想要的遺產.現在,又在他的門階上發現一位狼狽,意識不清的女孩。 當這位美麗的陌生人醒來時,她並不記得那對由鏡中回望著她的綠色雙眸。在她的記憶尚未回復時,她的心卻因對這位抑鬱,神秘的尼克的渴望雀躍不已。 但是尼克並無意對她敞開疲憊的心靈,直到有一晚她離他安全的家...因為她恐怖的過去正回來威脅著她。  
