
共有 42818 筆資料,目前是 41651 - 41660 筆
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2002-09-03 出版)
系列書: Governess Brides 女家教系列 #6.0
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 1
When Miss Samantha Prendregast arrives at Devil's Fell to take charge of six rebellious girls, the vibrant, outspoken governess is not quite prepared to deal with the tall, dark and dashing master of the grand estate. The children she can manage with intelligence, guile ... and a little bribery. The...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (1993-07-15 出版)
系列書: Medieval Series #2.0
文類: 中古世紀
評鑑: 1
(Candle in the Window 姊妹作) Bound by the King . . . The document, signed and sealed by King Henry himself, commanded lady Juliana of Lofts to marry Raymond, Count of Avrach. Shattered by the Past . . . She refused, though it was treason to defy one's king. What man would have her...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
譯者: 克莉絲汀娜‧陶德
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books
系列書: Medieval Series #1.0
文類: 中古世紀
評鑑: 2
Lady Saura of Roget lived a lonely life of servitude-her fortune controlled by her unscrupulous stepfather-until she was summoned to the castle of Sir William of Miraval. The magnificent knight had once sworn to live or perish by the sword. But that was before his world was engulfed in agonizing dar...
平均:4 (1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (1999-02-09 出版)
系列書: Princess Series #1.0
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 1
Masquerade English orphan Miss Evangeline Scoffield has spent her life contenting herself with dreams. But with an unforseen inheritance, she can afford one perfect summer--a summer she will spend the rest of her life remembering. She buys herself expensive clothes, travels abroad, and presents he...
平均:4.4 (5 人灑葉)
出版社: Simon & Schuster- Pocket Books (2003-06-03 出版)
系列書: Lost Texas Hearts
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 5
When Hope Prescott's parents disappeared, her carefree teenage life vanished forever. She and her three siblings were separated and sent to different foster homes around the country. Now, seven years later, Hope is still searching for them. To support herself, she works for an answering service, and...
譯者: 張煥堂
出版社: 禾林-戀戀星辰 #1(1994-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
代孿生妹妹參加舞會,竟引出一連串的愛、恨、波折…… 英國室內設計師馬莉莎不僅在舞會上與昔日心儀的建築師藍蓋爾意外重逢,也深獲妹妹男友的青睞,幾乎演變成性騷擾。 而在另一次舞會中,莉莎險遭非禮,蓋爾救駕後,竟提出了改變一生的建議:兩人訂婚,以杜絕後患。 建築師與設計師應是共築愛巢的理想搭檔,問題是:築好愛巢又如何?
譯者: 謝碧漪
出版社: 禾林-戀戀星辰 #2(1994-04-01 出版)
系列書: Orchard Valley #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
美國德州商場女強人傅薇莉,因父親病重而趕回家鄉蘋果谷,她隨侍病榻期間,對主治醫師溫寇比印象良好,進而滋生愛意…… 寇比是薇莉這一生唯一想要的男人,但他深愛小鎮生活,而她卻無法割捨大都市中縱橫商場的挑戰與刺激。 在愛情與事業的天秤上,薇莉面臨了最困難的取捨。  
譯者: 劉玉如
出版社: 禾林-戀戀星辰 #3(1994-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
英希混血女郎傅艾娜,奉派至觀光勝地克里特島擔任旅行社代表,隨後即接獲遠在英國的未婚夫變心的消息。 方亞力的出現,如暴風過境。他害艾娜丟了工作,旋又以代為覓職為誘因,邀她共赴一座小島。 抵達之後,艾娜才發現『職務』是假扮他的未婚妻。她雖為亞力贏回親情,並解開往日疑雲,卻也失落在情海裡。
譯者: 柯慧如
出版社: 禾林-戀戀星辰 #4(1994-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
闖入婚姻,身心俱傷,孤獨遠紅塵! 舞出信心,舞出青春,舞過碎心路! 愛到刻骨銘心,情願冒險…… 「妳不能把男人當玩具一般地玩弄!」石麥克對潘亞莉咆哮之後甩門而去…… 堅持傳統婚姻價值的音樂界新秀潘亞莉,在不知情的狀況下為其指導老師婚姻中的第三者,但令人難以抗拒的大牌影星麥克郤在此時闖入她的生活中。 兩人一舞定情,進而互生情愫,但此時亞莉之前任男友裴崔克卻出現,並宣稱亞莉是他的……
譯者: 蔡澔淇
出版社: 禾林-戀戀星辰 #5(1994-05-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
嬌小任性的梅艾兒一踏上赴英遊輪,便遇上了瀟灑挺拔的英國珠寶商賴理查。一種似曾相識的感覺在他倆之間蔓延著…… 狂妄自大的理查突然向艾兒求婚,對愛情有著浪漫憧憬的梅艾兒卻立即以『互不相愛』為由,一口回絕。 但他並不氣餒,多次求婚,決心使這一段海上情緣,駛向愛的彼岸……
