由 stone927 在 發表
Jack Travis leads the uncomplicated life of a millionaire Texas playboy. He makes no commitments, he loves many women, he lives for pleasure. But no one has ever truly touched his heart or soul. Until one day, a woman appears on his doorstep with fury on her face and a baby in her arms. It seems Jack is the father and this woman is the baby’s aunt. The real mother has abandoned the child to her more responsible sister. And now, Jack is being called upon to take responsibility for the first time in his life. With delicious romantic tension, characters so real they walk onto the page and into your heart, Lisa Kleypas delivers the kind of novel that makes you laugh, love; cry and cheer.
果樹-Romance Age 2010-08-31 |
stone927 replied on 固定網址
Re: Smooth Talking Stranger by Lisa Kleypas
故事講述女主角 Ella收到她母親來電說她妹妹Tara留下了她的兒子Luke走了,然後故事就這樣開如了,Ella從她的表妹得知Tara曾經和Jack有來往過,於是便去找他確認是否Luke的父親,到後來得知Tara & Jack沒有發生過關係,但Jack仍然幫助Ella找出Luke的生父,最後二人在過程中又互相喜歡了對方..最後....![](http://www.wrnsg.com/200908//uploads/smil43a1a2dac3515.gif)