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She’s a single woman in the Lone Star state.
Wedding planner Avery Crosslin may be a rising star in Houston society, but she doesn’t believe in true love―at least not for herself. When she meets wealthy bachelor Joe Travis and mistakes him for a wedding photographer, she has no intention of letting him sweep her off her feet. But Joe is a man who goes after what he wants―and, at the end of the day, Avery can’t resist his charms.
He’s a tried-and-true Southerner who won’t go down
without a fight…
A man like Joe can only mean trouble for a woman like Avery, and she can’t afford distractions―especially now that she’s been hired to plan a career-making wedding event. But when Joe makes it clear that he’s not going to give up that easily, Avery must confront the insecurities and beliefs that stem from a past she would do anything to forget. What is she willing to risk for a chance at “happily ever after?”
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Re: Brown-eyed girl
最近流行眼鏡男、眼鏡女麼?看了好幾本羅曼史都是男主角或女主角是戴框架眼鏡的。上周看的《Frisk Me》那本,女主角是電視臺新聞主持人,上班戴con,下班回家馬上換框架眼鏡,然後男主角第一次去她家找她,她戴著眼鏡穿著家居服就開門了,後來男主角說你這樣最性感了,頭發亂亂的加上眼鏡,LOL,真是範特希,這是女人希望的浪漫吧。囧,跑題了,拉回來,這本女主角Avery是個婚禮公司的老板,也是戴眼鏡,為了隱藏自己的身材,故意穿寬松衣服。後來她的同事幫她搞了形象大變身,一天之內去新做了頭發、買了合身新衣服,再把眼鏡把成con,哇,男主角Joe一見她都差點認不出來了。雖然書名Brown-Eyed Girl ,但是內容並沒有很呼應這名字,只有一兩處提到她眼睛,不象Blue-Eyed Devil 那本對男主角的藍眼給讀者留下深刻印象。
對於Avery得到了夢想中的工作,Joe的反應很不象莉莎的男主角,他恭喜她,但堅決在不嘗試的情況下就要先中止二人的關系,理由是他以前在long distance relationship有過不愉快的經歷,所以這次要在沒開始之前就先退出,我覺得鋪陳得不好,感覺不到他對這段關系的努力、期望,什麼?這樣就放棄了?如果是別的作者我還可以理解,但莉莎的男主角從來都不是這樣不經過努力fight for her就主動退場,我接受不了。所以只能給三葉。