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Helena Fitzhugh understands perfectly well that she would be ruined should her secret love affair be discovered. So when a rendezvous goes wrong and she is about to be caught in the act, it is with the greatest reluctance that she accepts help from David Hillsborough, Viscount Hastings, and elopes with him to save her reputation.
Helena has despised David since they were children—the notorious rake has tormented her all her life. David, on the other hand, has always loved Helena, but his pride will never let him admit the secrets of his heart.
A carriage accident the day after their elopement, however, robs Helena of her memory—the slate is wiped clean. At last David dares to reveal his love, and she finds him both fascinating and desirable. But what will happen when her memory returns and she realizes she has fallen for a man she has sworn never to trust?
果樹-Romance Age 2013-10-29 |
Jamie Liao replied on 固定網址
Re: Tempting the Bride
寫心得好難, 想告知大家書有多好看, 又不能透露劇情 @@
像本書, 寫的最好的部份, 最感動人的, 並不在以上心得中,
但是因一寫就爆雷, 還是請童鞋自己看囉 !
Jamie Liao replied on 固定網址
Re: Tempting the Bride
終於輪到在前兩本系列中跑龍套的Helena 和Hastings 當主角了。
這本書亞馬遜上沒有低於4顆星的評價,甚至已經有2012最佳羅曼史的評語出現了!AAR將這本列入沙漠荒島必備書Desert Isle Keeper,果真好酒沉甕底!儘管不到三百頁,卻比一些從磐古開天開始,寫到窗簾上的圖案長什麼樣的書值得一讀。
青少年時期的第一次見面, 比Helena 矮的Hastings, 被當成侏儒, 一點也不吸引我們的女主角。長大後的Hastings 子爵,風度翩翩又多金,在社交圈大受歡迎, 把妹攻無不克,十足的浪子一枚。但是由於Hastings對Helena這些年的一大串愚蠢可怕的言語挑釁及惡作劇,他在她眼中,其實不比小強好多少。
Helena 從來不是安靜乖巧的淑女:她受教育、開出版社、還倒追男生,實在夠前衛的了,偏偏蒙著眼睛談戀愛,愛上不該愛的人,我們癡情的男主角只能在一旁乾著急。最後終於出事了,而且還是不普遍大條的事! 這一下劇情打到我的死穴了 – 失憶!老套到不行的梗,讓人放下書去上網、吃東西,還把早晨的婚禮翻出來複習,拖延接下來的閱讀。
哈! 雪麗把這老梗寫的極好, 先不談失憶在醫學上的狀況,男女主角之間,沒有誇張的火爆誤會,有的是誠摯的情感流露,只能說好看到不行(寫太多會爆雷)。有了人生第二次機會,讓我們的悲情男主角在女主角一旁誠惶誠恐地伺候,心情彷彿是一個在迪士尼樂園玩耍的小孩, 被告知樂園是蓋在一座結冰的湖面,冬末春初的時節, 不知何時會融雪破冰,從狂喜天堂掉入冰冷地獄。另外,福利情節也是很有畫面啊!雖然場次不多,但也夠火辣的了,男主角可是A書作家耶!想不通怎麼會只有Warm?真是太侮辱他了。
雪麗這次換折磨男主角, 也算公平了。雖然Hastings在裡面很悲慘, 不過每每看到雪麗的描述會不禁爾。例如男主角遇到一個狀況,他一點辦法也沒有,只能呆坐在地上,眼睛釘住牆,然後心裡希望有神仙教母能來幫他。看到這裡,真想大聲說: Helena 不要你,我要啊!(糟了,花痴的一面原形畢露)