由 鈕釦 在 發表
**系列說明:Dark Series, book # 3 **
Release Date: April 2000
Number of Pages: 320 pages
Publisher: Love Spell
ISBN: 0505523752
Was he a man or a miracle? Alexandria Houton would sacrifice anything-even her life-to protect her orphaned little brother. But when both encountered unspeakable evil in the swirling San Francisco mists, Alex could only cry to heaven for their deliverance?
And out of the darkness swooped Aidan Savage, a golden being more powerful, more mysterious, than any other creature of the night. The ageless Carpathian male snatched them from a hideous fate. But was Aidan a miracle�or a monster? Alex's salvation�or her sin? If she surrendered to Aidan's savage, unearthly seduction-gave him the color, the light, the family he craved-would Alex truly save her brother? Or sacrifice more than her life?
果樹-Romance Age 2009-08-25 |
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: DARK GOLD by Christine Feehan
原塗鴉日期:November 2002
這套「黑暗系列」中,我認為【Dark Gold】是比較輕鬆、比較不那麼黑暗的一本書。不是因為男主角 Aidan 的金髮和琥珀色眸子象徵著燦爛,而是他的個性和居住的環境,以及他受的罪比其他的 Carpathian 人還少一點有關。
而這位黃金雙胞胎之一, 也是唯一住在大城市、習慣都會生活、擁有普通的凡人「家人」的 Carpathian 人。
相反地,男主角 Aidan 卻既有耐性又寬容。他對他那人類管家夫婦的感情,以及他們對他的愛與忠誠,是令我相當激賞的一點。外表看起來永遠只有三十歲左右的他,居住在舊金山的宅邸已有好幾個世紀。他可是看著他的人類管家夫婦的祖先們一個個誕生和老死的,呵呵呵,而現任的管家也已經是祖父母級的老人了,自襁褓期起 Aidan 就看著管家長大,如今滿臉皺紋的他們,卻把 Aidan 當兒子看待。這種情況還真詭異,但也很有趣就是了