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For a girl who'd led such a sheltered life, Bettina Charlwood had shot like a meteor to the dizzying heights of Regency society.
To have gone straight from a convent school iri France to a yachting party hosted by the Prince Regent's most valued friend--with scarcely time to pack one's gowns--would have set any young lady's head spinning.
But Bettina's good fortune was even more dazzling. She was on board the world's most luxurious yacht with two eligible men to choose from: kind, reserved Lord Eustace--gentleman and de-fender of the poor--and Eustace's handsome half-brother--the notorious hedonist and ladies' man, Duke Alveston.
It was all too confusing for innocent, beautiful Bettina! How could she decide between the two without some omen--some sign of love?