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The Duc de Savigne turned his back on Syrilla and stood looking out of the turret window with unseeing eyes.
"I am certainly not the Knight you believed me to be. I have committed every indecent crime imaginable. I have even ruined innocent women's lives simply because it amused me."
He drew in his breath.
"I am a debauched man, Syrilla. A man who has dragged a noble title into the gutter and, smeared it with mud!"
He spoke with such self-hate that she felt tears come into her eyes.
"But you are different, Syrilla . . . so innocent, pure and beautiful. You are perfection ..."
The Duc paused; then he spoke fiercely:
"Take me as I am, and I swear I'll do whatever you want. But if you can't, you must disappear from my life now... and forever."