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For once the handsome, self-assured Earl of Helstone had been caught off guard.
The young lady had taken a nasty fall from her horse and the Earl rushed to her aid. But as he reached her side, he realized that the pretty little redhead was shamming.
Introducing herself to the startled Earl, Calistra warned him to stay away from her mother's country estate. Lady Chevington had decided it was time her headstrong daughter married. And the Earl would be a splendid catch.
The notorious "Elusive Earl" laughed off the warning. None of the scheming London beauties had moved him one step nearer the altar. A matchmaking mother was no serious threat.
But the Earl underestimated his opponent. What love couldn't accomplish, Lady Chevington achieved with blackmail. And England's most careful bachelor was walking blindly into an ingenious matrimonial trap.