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歐洲黑暗時期的蘇格蘭高地, 勇敢、榮譽、忠誠是高地人共有的特徵。
部族是他們生命的中心, 林立的部族間嫉妒、貪婪、誤解、成見, 戰事無止無休。
氤氳繚繞的山谷, 一場世仇的爭戰即起, 邪惡的復仇計劃不為人知地醞釀著......
十七年後, 坎貝兒的族長當肯諉異地提出求和, 麥奎力部族經過一陣懷疑爭執的騷動, 布莉安娜成為和親的犧牲品。
對部族的責任不容她回頭, 然而她的心卻鐘情於坎貝兒另一位勇士伊安, 當肯的姪兒。
Amid the ancient splendor of the glens, Brianna of the Clan MacQuarie cursed her defiant heart. The fire-haired beauty was promised in marriage as a peace token to the Campbells, her clan's hereditary enemies. Yet by the whispering shores of Loch na Keal, Brianna welcomed the burning kiss of a stranger--none else but Ian, mighty arm of the Clan Campbell, her future husband's emissary. Now, in Brianna's ravaged soul, honor challenged desire...and the white-hot hunger that seared her senses with Ian's name...Brianna dared the Campbell stronghold itself, to claim her destiny. Instead she fell captive to a secret scheme, a twisted vengeance nursed in bitter hatred for nearly twenty years. Now Ian and Brianna would battle for their very lives, and for the clarion freedom of a love that would sing through the ages...
希代-精美名著 1990-05-25 |