由 JustAnother 在 發表

Séverine de Cabrillac, orphan of the French revolution and sometime British intelligence agent, has tried to leave spying behind her. Now she devotes herself to investigating crimes in London and finding justice for the wrongly accused.
Raoul Deverney, an enigmatic half-Spaniard with enough secrets to earn even a spy's respect, is at her door demanding help. She's the only one who can find the killer of his long-estranged wife and rescue her missing twelve-year-old daughter.
Séverine reluctantly agrees to aid him, even though she knows the growing attraction between them makes it more than unwise. Their desperate search for the girl unleashes treason and murder. . . and offers a last chance for two strong, wounded people to find love.
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Re: Beauty Like the Night
在《The Forbidden Rose》、《The Black Hawk》裡出場時只有三歲大的賽薇琳,在《Beauty Like The Night》出現時已芳齡廿八。從西班牙戰場上退下來的她,成為調查各種案件的偵探,偶爾也會為英國情報局的Doyle跟Hawk提供情報、潛入搜查。男主角勞爾因為妻子被殺、女兒失蹤,案發現場有不名人士留下賽薇琳的名字,而找上她。從兩人第一次見面、進入命案現場偵查,到各懷目的進入柯林頓家的晚宴,賽薇琳的洞察細微、果決判斷、身手矯健,真有幾分名偵探的味道。命案、失蹤的女孩、遺落的護身符、被勞爾懷疑的賽薇琳,怎麼看都該是絕妙精彩,然而故事從第十章以後,就開始走下坡。不管是勞爾的真實身分、賽薇琳的掙扎,還是失蹤女孩的下落,都缺乏高潮起伏,平淡無奇。只看到賽薇琳東奔西跑,勞爾則跟在她身後團團轉。我甚至說不上來勞爾與賽薇琳是何時對彼此傾心,彷彿是因為這兩人是主角就該順理成章的陷入愛河,過程缺乏鋪陳,欠缺描寫。《Rogue Spy 》我還能勉強幫Pax與Cami找出迅速相愛的理由,但這本我真的想不出來。自己覺得在本系列一再出場的倫敦賊王Lazarus,雖然是反派,但幾次出場都霸氣十足,更值得擁有自己的故事。作為《Spymasters》系列的最後作品,《Beauty Like The Night》真的可惜。