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At long last, the story continues Kathleen E. Woodiwiss, who by creating a whole new type of love story, picks up the saga of the bold and adventurous Birmingham family where her classic romance The Flame and the Flower left off. But this time it is Beauregard Birmingham -- the dashing son of Brandon and Heather -- who is the focus of the action, as he comes to the aid of a beautiful childhood companion who is in desperate straits. A brilliant young artist, Cerynise Kendall is destitute and in dire need of passage to the Carolinas, and ship captain Beau offers his help -- even giving her his name in a marriage of convenience in order to protect his longtime friend from scandal. But perilous secrets, determined enemies and tempests at sea threaten their future and safe passage -- even as bonds of camaraderie become bonds of desire, and simple affection is transformed into passion and love.
A woman in desperate straits ... A fearless man ... A marriage of convenience on turbulent waters ...
Cerynise Kendall has been left destitute and in dire need following the death of her doting patron and protectress. A brilliant young artist tossed from her home with only the clothes on her back, Cerynise must now turn to a childhood companion for assistance --- the dashing sea captain Beauregard Birmingham --- and beg him to provide her with passage to the Carolinas. She seeks a new home and a new life across the waters, but all depends upon the kindness of a charming adventurer who was once the object of her youthful infatuation.
Beneath Birmingham's rugged exterior beats a heart as large and wild as the Atlantic, and Beau readily agrees to aid Cerynise --- even offering her his name in marriage, albeit temporarily, to protect his longtime friend from scandal. But perilous secrets, determined enemies and tempests of the sea and soul threaten their future and safe passage even as bonds of camaraderie are miraculously reforged as bonds of desire ... and affection becomes passion and love.
Paperback, 428 pages
Published October 30th 1998 by Avon Books (first published 1998)
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: The Elusive Flame
我是Kathleen E. Woodiwiss的書迷,這位作家寫作很慢,而且也已過世多年沒有甚麼新作了,在還沒出版的原文書中,我覺得只有兩本好看,要介紹的這本The Elusive Flame和The Wolf And The Dove。
The Elusive Flame的男主角是意外的情人男女主角的長子Beau,這本書看了很久,所以有點忘記劇情,只記得女主角是個畫家,因某事逃亡要離開英國回美國,求助無門之下剛好遇到男主角的船要回美國,但是孤男寡女會引起非議,男主角基於幫助舊識所以建議假結婚,到美國後就分手,沒想到帥哥美女兩人朝夕相處之不可避免的會受到彼此吸引,某次男主角生病,在昏迷中和女主角滾了床,病好後一直懷疑自己的記憶也不敢問女主角,女主角怕男主角會為了負起責任而不是愛而娶她,所以一直逃避男主角隱瞞真相,到了美國馬上就離開男主角而去。
意外的情人男主角的弟弟Jeff,我也滿喜歡這個配角的,作者也幫他寫一本書A Season Beyond a Kiss和兩篇短篇,Jeff的故事出版在Beauregard之後,應該是太受歡迎應讀者要求所以給他一個長篇故事,但是作者已經為Jeff寫了兩個短篇了,框架已定,所以很難發揮,我大概看個幾頁就棄書了。