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All is fair in love...
Eleanora returns home to New Orleans as heroine of an ill-fated military invasion of Central America, angel of mercy to the wounded Americans in Nicaragua, and widow of a Spanish grandee. She is wealthy, a privileged condesa. But in the war-torn land she left behind, she was the mistress of an officer who thought her a camp follower, one who must never guess the secret she holds in her heart.
Colonel Grant Farrell learned respect for tempestuous, red-haired Eleanora the hard way, by losing her to a man who valued her more. Though the lady has reason to despise him, he will follow her into the jaws of hell to taste her kiss one last time....
Kindle Edition, 384 pages
Published November 17th 2012 by Steel Magnolia Press (first published 1977)
Edition LanguageEnglishsettingNew Orleans, Louisiana, 1855 (United States)
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Re: Notorious Angel
在Jennifer Blake早期未出版中文版的原文書中,這本是我最喜歡的,GOODREADS裡評價也是高於所有出版的中文版,第一次讀的時候有點囫圇吞棗,第二次重讀時讀了很多沒讀到的細節,愈加喜歡這本書,這本也是以筆名Patricia Maxwell在1977年出版的,陰鬱是一定的。
女主角Eleanora Villars是紐奧良的貴族,由於不學無術的弟弟讓他們無家可歸,只能跟著弟弟和古巴遠征軍去瓜地馬拉生活。
男主角Colonel Grant Farrell,是將軍的頭號助手,以為Eleanora接近他另有目的,所以囚禁強暴了女主角,並以弟弟的安危強迫女主角成為他的情婦。