It's the last chance for Cynthia Brightly, the ton's most bewitching belle. Driven out of London by a secret scandal, she must find a grand husband at the Redmonds' house party before word of her downfall spreads all over England. Unfortunately, someone at Pennyroyal Green is already privy to the whispers of broken engagements and dueling lovers: Miles Redmond, renowned explorer and--thanks to his brother's disappearance--heir to the family's enormous fortune.
Miles set his sights on Cynthia once, at a time when the ambitious beauty thought herself too good for a second son. But now he's heir apparent, relishing his control. He strikes a bargain with her: he'll keep Cynthia's steamy secrets and help her find a husband among the guests--in exchange for a single kiss.
What could be the harm in a simple kiss? Cynthia is about to discover that it's enough to unleash fierce passion--and that Miles Redmond is most certainly like no other lover in the world.
天空 replied on 固定網址
Re: Like No Other Lover
這是Pennyroyal Green系列之二,這系列我沒按順序看,這本與系列之五《What I Did for a Duke》的相同之處是,沒有壞人也沒有陰謀,就發生在一個house party從開始到結束的幾天內。男主角Miles是Redmond家二兒子,父母臨時有事要趕去外地,臨走前,父親與他談話,告訴他,一是因為父母不在,他成為這個house party的男主人。二是給他挑選的未來妻子Lady Georgina也是這次house party的客人之一。
但是,妹妹Violet帶來一個不速之客,Cynthia Brightly。幾年前兩人第一次在舞會上碰面,Miles對Cynthia一見鐘情,但就在當晚,他無意中聽到Cynthia與朋友談論獵夫計劃,發現她根本看不上Miles這種大家庭的二兒子,她的目標是長子。
這個故事開場的時候,Redmond家的長子Lyon已經離家出走,沒人知道他是活著還是已經死了,Miles就成為了未來Redmond家的繼承人。在這種情況下,Cynthia對Miles示好,他理所當然認為他只是看中他的錢。當然,Cynthia並不只是對他一個人示好,她深諳“不能把所有雞蛋同時放在一個籃子”的投資原理,這次來Redmond家作客的還有其它單身人士, 她對適合她要求的人,都發送了沒有逾矩的“電波”。厲害哇?更厲害的是作者,因為你一路看下去,一點也不會覺得Cynthia勢利、功利心強。
到了故事最後,Miles要去把跑掉的Cynthia追回來,臨走前,他向父親通報他準備結婚,但對象不是Lady Georgina,而是父親所鄙視的Cynthia,父子兩人唇槍舌劍,這場戲煞是好看。Isaiah Redmond在這系列好幾本書都露過臉,戲份不多,但絕對讓人過目不忘。