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**系列說明: The Men of T-FLAC: The Wrights, Book # 2 **
KISS AND TELL Cherry Adair
Issued 2000 Sept.
Ballantine Books Contemporary Romance
Marnie Wright has seen more than her fair share of testosterone, having grown up with four over-protective brothers. But now a longhaired mountain man named Jake Dolan has invaded a peaceful day of soul-searching at her grandmother’s old cabin. Sure, she was trespassing on his private property, but did he have to pull a gunon her? After being stashed in his secret underground lair – complete with security monitors and a huge arsenal – Marnie realizes the guy is a military, top secret military. Yet he also has the most beautiful mouth sh has ever seen.
The last thing Jake wants in his dangerous life is a woman. Doesn’t like them. Doesn’t need them. But a man would have to be dead not to fall for the sexy-as-sin Marnie Wright. But how could he have dealings for someone who may be killed just for being close to him? His days, after all, are numbered……….
天空 replied on 固定網址
Re: Kiss and Tell
同樣是男女主角在短短幾天內迅速升溫熱烈得滋滋響的感情,Cherry Adair寫來又是一種風格, Lisa Maria Rice也寫同樣的故事,但讀來就沒這麼緊張(荷爾蒙氣息更濃)。比較下來,這本《Kiss and Tell》從頭到尾就象在看一部典型好萊塢電影,緊張得讓人停不下來。我很喜歡結尾求婚那一段,反復看過好多遍了。
VTR replied on 固定網址
Re: Kiss and Tell by Cherry Adair
我覺得英文文案完全沒有寫出本書精彩的地方,否則我不會把這本放在阿媽爽的wish list裡一放就是一年,後來還把它刪了。
2001 Hide and Seek 醫生Kyle的故事
2002 In Too Deep SEAL老大Michael的故事(阿官同學有評過)
2003 Out of Sight 攝影師Kane的故事
2005 On Thin Ice 牧牛郎Derek的故事
2005 Hot Ice Jake同事 Hunt St. John 的故事