由 鈕釦 在 發表
Alex Nolan is about as bitter and cynical as they come. One of three Nolan brothers who call Friday Harbor home, he’s nothing like Sam or Mark. They actually believe in love; they think the risk of pain is worth the chance of happiness. But Alex battles his demons with the help of a whiskey bottle, and he lives in his own private hell. And then, a ghost shows up. Only Alex can see him. Has Alex finally crossed over the threshold to insanity?
Zoë Hoffman is as gentle and romantic as they come. When she meets the startlingly gorgeous Alex Nolan, all her instincts tell her to run. Even Alex tells her to run. But something in him calls to Zoë, and she forces him to take a look at his life with a clear eye and to open his mind to the possibility that love isn’t for the foolish.
The ghost has been existing in the half-light of this world for decades. He doesn’t know who he is, or why he is stuck in the Nolans’ Victorian house. All he knows is that he loved a girl once. And Alex and Zoë hold the key to unlocking a mystery that keeps him trapped here.
Zoë and Alex are oil and water, fire and ice, sunshine and shadow. But sometimes it takes only a glimmer of light to chase away the dark, and sometimes love can reach beyond time, space, and reason to take hold of hearts that yearn for it. . . .
-四季出版 2015-10-08 |
天空 replied on 固定網址
Re: Dream Lake
之前我已經說過,感覺 Lisa Kleypas 寫現代羅曼史以來,一直試著在轉向fiction(小說)方向,而不再是以前的單純的romance(羅曼史),中心人物更偏重於女主角,男主角更象是配角,愛情只是故事的一部分,感覺有些象chick lit,但Lisa明顯又想寫得比chick lit更深刻更有思考性一些(輕松、幽默是chick lit的一大特點)。
故事講的是Zoë的工作和個人生活,Alex只是她生活中的一部分,愛情的部分明顯比Lisa Kleypas 過往的歷史羅曼史要少。可惜,我覺得Lisa Kleypas 的轉型不太成功(崔家系列的三本還挺不錯啊),一個故事,第一基本要求是要吸引人看下去,即使文筆一般般,只要故事精彩,也可以講得很好,就這點來說,她的故事遠沒有以往那麽吸引人。
PS, 推薦greyshrike同學去看Lisa Kleypas 的《Lady Sophia's Lover》,有關於69更加詳細的描述,不要被嚇倒 哈哈哈
再PS,我覺得Lisa Kleypas還不如轉型寫 erotic romance,說不定更成功呢。床戲不容易寫好,她不應該浪費這個天賦(呃,這個詞好象用錯了?)
Jamie Liao replied on 固定網址
Re: Dream Lake
There are worse things than having your heart broken有些事比心碎更糟糕。
Like what ? 例如?
Never having it broken. Never giving in to love. 從不讓心受傷, 從不接受愛
Alex成長期間,受父母酗酒影響,成年後變的乖戾陰沈,認為自己無法愛人,不相信自己會得到真愛。當他事業遇上挫折,婚姻觸礁,他用酒慢性自殺,喝到形銷骨立,幾乎是一隻腳踏進棺材了。還好遇上超完美女主角 Zoë:米其林三星級大廚的手藝外加瑪麗蓮夢露的外貌,充滿母性及超浪漫的個性,以及勇敢的追求所愛,(是的這本是女追男),就算是Alex是萬年凍原冰山男,也難逃被溶化的命運。她的一塊鬆餅,一杯咖啡,就把Alex 給下了蠱,當Zoë說: ”就算是我倆會有人受傷, 也好過沒有一試” ,他就陷入萬劫不復…..愛死了這種梗。
Friday Harbor 2~4 應該算”魔法三部曲”,這本比Rainshadow Road更進一步,出現了一個穿著二次大戰空軍夾克的鬼,只有Alex 看的見、聽的到。鬼不知自己是誰、為何出現於Sam 在Rainshadow Road 的家,為何他只能在Alex身邊出現。是否有心願未了?在尋求答案的同時,這鬼也思考,是否這是上天利用他這滯留人間的靈魂,要提醒Alex某些重要的事情,不要再犯跟他一樣的錯誤。終究他找到答案,也成就了Alex 和 Zoë 的快樂結局。
自從Lisa 寫現代羅曼史小說後,都會加上愛情以外的元素,這次是Zoë祖母Emma,腦內有小中風造成癡呆症,會失憶,忘記吃飯喝水,不知身邊的人是誰,毫無生活能力,病況只會持續惡化。照顧這樣的病人非常筋疲力竭,而且完全沒有成就感。看著看著,會心有所感—好好珍惜身邊所愛的人吧。
提外話: 原來英文也有象形文字 (十八禁,可是超爆笑 )
Alex 正跟Zoë討論Dream lake 小屋裝潢工作,談到一組傢俱是否可修復,Alex 告訴Zoë整組都在。Zoë很高興的說:”那就值得去修復,否則我想我們必須要69 它 “。 Alex 馬上一臉表情空白,Zoë用湛藍無辜的雙眼回望Alex,他小心維持單調的聲音回 : “妳的意思是指86(丟棄) 它們吧? “ Zoë還繼續說” 對啊 ! 我就是說 …” 然後忽然了解她剛說溜了什麼,滿臉通紅的抓起皮包就往屋外跑。
這段讓人以後看到69 這數字就會臉紅心跳