Sophie Rose is a crime reporter at a major Chicago newspaper and the daughter of Bobby Rose, a charming gentleman and big-time thief. When asked to write an exposé about her notorious father, Sophie quits and goes to work at a small newspaper, covering local personalities such as William Harrington, the 5K runner whose trademark is red socks. Those socks—with Sophie's business card tucked inside—are practically all that's found after Harrington is killed near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, seemingly in a brutal polar bear attack.
Sophie heads north to investigate, but danger follows in her wake. After one attempt on her life, she's assigned brash but sexy Jack MacAlister as a bodyguard. But Sophie and Jack will soon be fighting more than their growing passion for each other. Powerful forces will stop at nothing to prevent the exposure of the sinister conspiracy Sophie and Jack are about to uncover.
huinuan replied on 固定網址
Re: Fire and Ice
boubouyo2001 replied on 固定網址
Re: Fire and Ice
雖然大家普遍覺得茱麗姨的現代系列比不上historical或highlander, 但我覺得其實還對我的胃的!除了因為本人熱愛FBI題材外,淡淡的,甜密的對話常常讓我很窩心!喜歡重鹹的童鞋可能又要失望了,但這本書雖然沒有"燒起來"的感覺, Jack和Sophie之間的吸引力以及對話還是蠻有看頭的
我把這本書歸在布家系列是因為Jack是Alec(布亞勵)的搭擋,但後來我才發現Jack姓MacAlister是"婚禮"裡Connor的後代(因為之前是看中文版所以沒發現),而下一本書Sizzle的男主角Sam Kincaid則是"新娘"裡金亞烈的後代,發現男主角是高地人的後代們變成我小小的樂趣之一,非常的有親切感,我想茱麗姨的新書應該也是某某氏族的後代吧!!
Jack跟Alec在一開始臥底結束後只想吃一個漢堡,卻無意中在速食店中撞見搶案,非常飢餓的Jack邊點餐邊制伏歹徒的畫面被人po到youtube,一夕之間串紅的那一段真是笑死我了!!而且事後還因為影片在網路上太紅被長官勒令休假XDD...Sophie則是蕾涵的好朋友,羅巴比的女兒,他跟Jack犀利風趣的對話是本書的看點之一,另一看點是場景帶到寒冷的阿拉斯加和狼群.....by the way, Sophie為了調查某凶殺案,而飛到阿拉斯加(她是記者),亞勵為了保護她的安全,想設計Jack跟Sophie一起去,還特別在男人們的Poker club(亞勵和幾位FBI還有蕾涵的哥哥們成立的撲克牌俱樂部)設下賭局,並找來牌技高人一等的艾登加入戰局....