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The Frozen Jungle
譯者: 詠甯
(2 人灑葉)
It was not often that anyone got the better of the celebrated writer Duncan Keld, let alone managed to damage his reputation - but journalist Pattie Moss had unwittingly managed to do just that, with the result that Duncan, to put it mildly, had a very low opinion of her. So when Pattie was sent off to get an interview with him she was apprehensive, to say the least. She could only hope that his anger had subsided a bit by now, and perhaps he wouldn't remember her anyway. Then Pattie found herself snowed up with Duncan in the middle of Yorkshire, with all her worst fears reralised .....
雙大-愛的組曲 1982-09-10 |
brendabox70 replied on 固定網址
Re: 叢林戀火
過了20年再回味 還是很喜歡作者寫作的風格
有人說 暗戀和曖昧的時候最美 作者真的拿捏的很好
沒有讓人臉紅心跳的畫面 但是感覺的到愛苗在兩人之間蔓延開來
跟大部份的的作者不同的是 作者都用女主角的角度描述 到最後才明白男主角的用心
Ps. 作者前面描述被背叛的感受 真的有痛到自己心裡
goodgirl replied on 固定網址
Re: 叢林戀火
遭受好朋友與自己未婚夫被叛的戀情, 當採訪男主角時剛好發現男主角前另結婚女友在他家, 女主角無意中的威脅獲的一個工作機會以遠離好友及前未婚夫,與男主角到叢林探險 , 男主角為使女主角封口只好提供一個工作機會,確心不甘情不願,雖非嬌嬌的女主角,勇氣時十足面臨環境挑戰 也使男主角刮目相看...
通常叢林探險故事我都不喜歡, 看過琳達心火雖然文筆人物描寫非常精彩很有電影風格味道 ,可是各人並不太喜歡,,這本 叢林戀火 還不錯, 也是我最能接受的一本書,,,