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Publisher: Silhouette (April 1, 1988) (Silhouette Special Edition No. 452)
Reissue: Mira (1988)
Nothing could have prepared Jay Granger for the arrival of two FBI agents at her door --- or for the news they brought. Her ex-husband, Steve, had been in a terrible accident that had left him gravely injured. The FBI needed Jay to confirm his identity.
The man Jay finds lying in the hospital bed is almost unrecognizable. Almost. Exhausted and afraid, Jay tentatively declares that he is Steve Crossfield. But the man who awakens from the coma is not at all as Jay remembers her husband. And he remembers nothing of their life together. Suddenly nothing is familiar. Not his appearance, not the intensity of his nature, not the desire that flashes between them. Who is this man? And will the discovery of his identity shatter the passion they share?
林白-薔薇頰 |
ckw replied on 固定網址
Re: WHITE LIES by Linda Howard
White Lies的男主角是Linda 慣常喜歡的FBI 特務,在一次任務中,變得面目全,眼睛受傷,聲帶受損,而且患上失憶。 男主角的上司要女主角 Jay 確認男主角是她的前夫,Jay 顧念男主角危在旦夕,雖然並不打算再和前夫有所牽扯,卻也在醫院留下來照顧他。男主角本來已身在地獄裏頭,當耳邊響起Jay 的溫柔語音,把他從地獄拉回來後,也激發了他的強烈求生意志,為了儘快復原而不願吃止痛葯,也不斷鍛練,挑戰自已的體能極限。由於Jay的呼喚才把他拉回來,所以他對周遭的人都不太信任,只除了Jay,而Jay也就成了他與外間溝通的重要橋樑。Jay也對他強烈的求生意志所感動而留下,於是二人之間的情感張力,便瞬間伸展至澎湃熱烈的程度。Jay本來給人的感覺是溫順可人,但遇到男主角的頑強固執,也被激出強烈的情緒;很有一種強勢男與堅忍女互相對峙的感覺。![](http://www.wrnsg.com/200908//uploads/smil3dbd4daabd491.gif)
男主角的眼睛復原的一刻,並不代表故事的結束,相反卻是帶來連串的疑惑,最重要的是男主角根本不是Jay的丈夫,那麼他到底是誰呢?就是這問題讓Jay一直有所保留,令男主角非常不滿意。Jay 覺得不知道男主角的真實身份,這份愛戀是借來的美夢, 男主角卻認為不論自己是誰jay都應該是屬於他. 男主角有著Linda所有男主角的自信自大,還好並沒有很強來, 容許 Jay保留自己的意願.![](http://www.wrnsg.com/200908//uploads/smil3dbd4d4e4c4f2.gif)
這本書是 Linda 早期的作品,男主角總是很霸道的,女主角卻是外柔中剛而且常常遷就男主角。過程中沒有太多輕鬆惹笑,福利精彩而集中, 不算太泛濫,但張力一點不少.![](http://www.wrnsg.com/200908//uploads/smil3dbd4d6422f04.gif)