由 鈕釦 在 發表
**系列說明: Lord Trilogy, Book # 2**
Jordan Willis, the Earl of Blackmore, is known for his exploits with experienced bedmates and his avoidance of innocents. Having never been in love, he's earned the nickname "the Lord with the Granite Heart." So he's surprised when a chance encounter prompts him to steal a kiss from the prim Emily Fairchild, a rector's daughter. Stunned by her passionate response, he nonetheless expects never to see her again. Then he meets the flirtatious Lady Emma, supposed daughter of a Scottish earl, who's a double for the lovely Emily.
When the earl recognizes her and demands an explanation, Emily is in a quandary. Her very life depends on convincing society that she is Lady Emma. But though she plays the coquette and succeeds in making the earl doubt his own eyes, no disguise can hide their fiery attraction. Can she trust the Lord of Granite Hearts with her secrets when he's so certain love is forbidden to him?
果樹-Romance Age 2008-08-26 |
aagood replied on 固定網址
Re: THE FORBIDDEN LORD by Sabrina Jeffries
阿官大大, :embar:
我想阿官大大應該是筆誤了。 :rose:
阿官 replied on 固定網址
Re: THE FORBIDDEN LORD by Sabrina Jeffries
文重貼,發表時間 : 2003/5/15
這套“Lord”系列的另兩本是【The Forbidden Lord】及【The Dangerous Lord】。前一本寫的是【The Pirate Lord】的女主角 Sara 的繼兄 Jordan 的故事;後一本的男主角則是 Jordan 的好朋友 Ian。兩本書背景全都在攝政期的英國。
我個人覺得【The Forbidden Lord】比【The Dangerous Lord】好看
。The Forbidden Lord 男女主角不只比較討我喜歡,劇情也比較豐富、有張力。從男主角 Jordan 在妹婿 Gideon 的父母為他舉辦的化裝舞會中邂逅女主角 Emily,誤以為穿著黑色喪服的 Emliy 是他向來所熟悉的那種風流寡婦,而 Emily 也以為 Gideon 是她的堂兄(因為他和她堂兄不但身材及髮色相似,連當天穿的衣服以及戴的面具都一樣。純屬巧合啊!),她跟他上了馬車後 Gideon 才發現自己弄錯了,整個過程描述得相當精采,之後 Emily 被惡人陷害和逼迫而不得不扮演起另一個角色,和男主角間的對峙更是絕無冷場.....