
By His Majesty's Grace

平均:4 (1 vote)

Much to her chagrin, Lady Isabel Milton has been given to Earl Rand Braesford—a reward from the Tudor king for his loyalty to the throne. The lusty nobleman quickly claims his husbandly rights, an experience Isabel scarcely hoped to enjoy so much.

The Tycoon's Mistress

平均:5 (2 人灑葉)

A motive for marriage?

Cressy was astonished when Draco Viannis proposed. From the moment she'd met the gorgeous Greek, Cressy couldn't get him out of her mind. The passion between them was mind-blowing -- but had it just been a holiday affair?


平均:5 (1 vote)

故事是發生在一個如詩如畫的紐西蘭小鎮上,女主角蘿可思原本是個無憂無慮、傾倒眾生的富家女,但由於父親生意面臨危機,因而情願委身於父親生意的競爭對手 ----- 本書男主角西巴斯提。 從此展開了一段愛恨交織、若即若離的感情。


蘿可思‧查理斯 ----- 本書女主角, 是位美麗動人的女孩;自己擁有一家商店。

西巴斯提‧布雷爾 ----- 本書男主角;繼承父親的事業,而擬與蘿可思的父親的公司合併。

馬克‧福第斯 ----- 蘿可思原來的男友,後因西巴斯提的介入而逐漸疏遠。

朗達 ----- 蘿可思的妹妹。

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