由 Snow White 在 發表

Much to her chagrin, Lady Isabel Milton has been given to Earl Rand Braesford—a reward from the Tudor king for his loyalty to the throne. The lusty nobleman quickly claims his husbandly rights, an experience Isabel scarcely hoped to enjoy so much. But youth and strength may not save Braesford from his bride’s infamous curse…
Accused of a heinous crime with implications that reach all the way to King Henry himself, Braesford is imprisoned in the Tower, and Isabel is offered her salvation—but for a price. She has the power to seal his fate, have him sent to the executioner and be freed from her marriage bonds. Yet the more Isabel learns of Rand, the less convinced she is of his guilt, and she commits to discover the truth about the enigmatic husband she never expected to love.
Her hand may be bestowed by others,
but her heart is hers alone to give.
Paperback, 384 pages
Published July 26th 2011 by Mira Books (first published January 1st 2011)
Snow White replied on 固定網址
Re: By His Majesty's Grace
(The Three Graces系列)是這作者最近期的歷史羅曼史,中間還有一個(Masters at Arms 系列)和(Louisiana Gentleman系列)所以寫作方式有些轉變,男主角內心戲很多,跟早期悶葫蘆似的男主角差別很大,所以跟我的期待有點不符合。
故事裡的三姊妹,為了逃避不想要的求婚,所以請吟遊詩人捏造了一個傳說,如果不是為愛結婚,男方將會意外身亡,可是身為富有的女繼承人,女主角Lady Isabel Milton還是被賞賜給國王的愛將Earl Rand Braesford,本書男主角的視角和內心戲很多,所以一開始就可以看出男主角很迷戀女主角,尤其是圓房之後,整個腦袋裡占滿了女主角,有夠好笑的
,書的後半部開始有陰謀出現,寫得讓我有點出戲,所以扣個一分,此外本書跳脫作者以往LOVE SCENES的寫法,變得相當的寫實,我喜歡這點,但我不喜歡男主角內心戲變多和陰謀的處理方式,但是每個人感受不同,所以同學不要期望舊有的寫作風格,因為轉變有點大喔!!
補充:本系列第二本By Grace Possessed也被我看到陰謀處就擱置了,所以心得文暫時生不出來