
共有 42832 筆資料,目前是 39101 - 39110 筆
平均:4 (1 vote)
譯者: 龔慕怡
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #111
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
「花叢中的小鳥兒」背負重任的在沙漠王國埃及,履行她對校方以及她本人的興致,將考古學識應用發揚,她的聰智、迷人,那隨時伴在她體內的優雅氣質,深深地吸引住考古學隊的領導、埃及部落的族長,他被「花叢中的小鳥兒」迷住了,阿拉伯真神說賽德王子,將需小鳥兒的撫柔,阿拉的話,您相信嗎?沙漠的奇蹟、神祕、金字塔的宏偉、壯麗,當晚風徐徐吹送而來之際,王子和他的小鳥兒他們發現欣喜、矛盾.........   作者以埃及、金字塔、尼羅河作背景陪襯,使得沉浸在愛河星輝中的情侶們,也能享受到在沙漠上的夜景,繁星閃爍下金字塔的壯觀,夕陽的夢幻,這一些故事的引導,作者把讀者的心思探測的一塵不染,纖...
譯者: 寒韻
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #110
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
HE HAD A DANGEROUS HOLD ON HER... In claiming her inheritance--a sprawling ranch in a remote part of Mexico--Sirena knew shed accepted a challenge. But she was unprepared for the antagonism of the dark, aristocratic Ramon Savedel, the man appointed to advise her. Ramon: his glittering eyes entranc...
譯者: 邱瓊慧
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #109
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Across the windswept plains of Nevada, through sun-scorched days and starry nights, they fought an all-consuming attraction...Proud, willful, and beautiful, Diana clashes head-on with Holt Mallory, the man who runs her father's ranch. But his son arouses her pity, and she opens her arms to the mothe...
譯者: 楊凡
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #108
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
在愛情的路上,是只容兩人同行的,因為我們只可能與一人永遠同行而不相離。因此若違抝愛情的本質,必招來殘缺的哀傷,愛情的路上,是處處岐途,步步陷阱!然而若能測知愛情的本質與領域,是可以邁向坦直康莊大道,而無虞顛跌的,只是測知愛情的本質,又豈是件容易的事! 書中的女主角班妮因偶然間的因緣際會,使她的生活有了意想不到的重大改變。的確,當我們回顧過去,往往會發現:有一瞬間是具有決定性的一刻。由於這一瞬息,我們的生活型態改變了,走向另一嶄新的方向,這轉變可能出於精心設計,也可能純係偶然。我們可能把幸福和毀滅拋在身後,走入另一種不同的幸福,或更深的毀滅中。 對史班妮來說,她生活上的驟變會導致怎樣的結果,...
譯者: 黎陌桑
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #107
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
From being the prim daughter of the Manse, within a few days Kirsty found herself amazingly on the other side of the world, in the Australian Outback, as the wife "in name only' of Andrew Fraser. It was going to be difficult enough to adjust, even before she realized that her husband was in love wi...
譯者: 蕭金枝
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #106
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
蘆奕(也是有名的艾迪)以他一顆赤誠的愛感動了天使般的安敏, 甚而獲得她的愛、她的信任。也許您們會不諒解, 一個不為人說容忍的叛徒、異類、搶劫犯, 為什麼終究會得到他人的幫助, 且得到夢寐以求的女人, 摻和了緊張、懸疑, 愛情的小說,您一定要去瞭解愛情的真意在任性的天使翼下是怎麼的一個靈魂, 使得每個人憧憬著它, 更視它如小精靈般地不可捉摸, 不可一親。
譯者: 黃立玉
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #105
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Linda Redfield didn't stand a chance against prosecutor. Jefferson T. Langford. After all, she was just another public defender, a street-smart professional from the wrong side of the tracks who'd earned her law degree with hard work and determination--not family money or connections. Langford had i...
譯者: 魏曉梅
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #104(1983-04-10 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Darcy Cummins was beautiful, divorced--and toasting her new freedom alone. Until a stranger offered her a drink, and she daringly accepted his company, his kisses... and almost his bed... Then Darcy's mother introduces her to Jordan Ives--the tantalizing stranger!--and swiftly, inexorably, what beg...
譯者: 魏惠娟
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #103(1982-04-25 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
It wasn't Teel's habit to lie--but then, Chazz Herman, with his devastating golden eyes and glittery jet-set world, was a dangerous man. He'd stop at nothing to get a woman he wanted--and he wanted every inch of Teel. If he thought she was a nun--she had been wearing a habit when she'd been found, l...
平均:4 (2 人灑葉)
譯者: 王慧立
出版社: 希代-精美名著 #102
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 2
許多親身經歷的小事,會使你勾起愛的情思,在人群紛東之處,你便體會到她耳鬢廝磨的濃蜜意。無論何時,當她驀然地出現在妳面前,你就會滿心歡悅,驚喜莫名。反之,當她不在你身邊時,你就會心煩意亂,愁腸百結。 你對她的愛,不斷滋生,日益加深。而且在你以往的生命中,你從未有過如此一心嚮往,你念念不忘的只是和她休戚相關,想盡你全心全力給她溫暖與安全。 不論你在天涯或她在海角,你倆仍是夢魂相牽,心繫一處。 憑著信心,憑著神明,憑著同情與了解,憑著信賴與真誠,自能天從人願,使你心滿意足。果真如此,愛情給你的報酬便是著幸福的一生,為平時所未想像。 愛是何等美妙,如我所見,它是世上最奇妙的東西。有了它,你就會...
