
共有 42889 筆資料,目前是 42341 - 42350 筆
平均:4 (3 人灑葉)
書封作者: 莉莎‧克萊佩
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2001-05-29 出版)
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 3
She was unmarried, untouched and almost thirty, but novelist Amanda Briars wasn't about to greet her next birthday without making love to a man. When he appeared at her door, she believed he was her gift to herself, hired for one night of passion. Unforgettably handsome, irresistibly virile, he temp...
平均:4.8 (5 人灑葉)
書封作者: 瑞秋‧吉普森
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2003-01-28 出版)
系列書: 冰球隊系列 #2.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 6
Publisher: Avon (February 1, 2003) At long last, Seattle Times columnist Jane Alcott has a shot at a full-time assignment. She badly needs the income, but unfortunately, the opening is for a sports reporter traveling with the Seattle Chinooks hockey team and she knows nothing about the game. To...
平均:4 (2 人灑葉)
書封作者: 瑞秋‧吉普森
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (1998-01-01 出版)
系列書: 冰球隊系列 #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Publisher: Avon (January 1, 1998) Truly Unforgettable Georgeanne Howard, charm school graduate and Southern belle extraordinaire, leaves her fiance at the altar when she realizes she just can't marry a man old enough to be her grandfather, no matter how rich he is. John Kowalsky unknowingl...
平均:4.5 (4 人灑葉)
書封作者: 瑞秋‧吉普森
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2001-07-31 出版)
系列書: Gospel #1.0, Idaho #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 4
Publisher: Avon (August 1, 2001) Welcome to Gospel, Idaho where everyone knows that there are two universal truths. First, God did His best work when He created the Sawtooth Wilderness Area. Second, every sin known to heaven and earth -- from the hole in the ozone to alien abductions -- is all...
平均:5 (2 人灑葉)
書封作者: 瑞秋‧吉普森
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (1999-01-01 出版)
系列書: Truly #1.0, Idaho #1.0
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Publisher: Brava (August 1, 2004) WHERE THERE'S A WILL. . . When pretty hairdresser Delaney Shaw returned home to Truly, Idaho, for the reading of her stepfather's will, she planned on paying her respects and getting out of town. But it seems the will has some unexpected stipulations-like...
書封作者: 芭比‧史密斯, 凱‧麥肯
譯者: 夢雲
出版社: 歐瑞-鑽石 #3
評鑑: 1
請不要用詭疑的深眸窺伺, 更不要用熾熱的雙唇梭巡, 陰謀偷心是我?是你? 親愛的,是命運精靈玩耍符咒的把戲; 時空旋轉,情扮前世今生, 絃譜一段永恆之愛。 內有二篇: 伊甸園之門 命運之符  
平均:3 (1 vote)
書封作者: 蘿莉‧卡布蘭, 凱瑟琳‧克麗兒
譯者: 艾譜
出版社: 歐瑞-鑽石 #2(1993-11-01 出版)
評鑑: 1
謎樣的古堡裡 那俊美的男子究竟為誰心碎? 愛戀你的神傷,感動你的痴狂。 剎那斗轉星移,渾然墜落時空漩渦, 讓狐疑的你將楚楚的我抱滿懷, 珍愛的戀人啊!快驅散心坎兒陰霾,與我旋舞於伊甸園旖旎風光。 兩篇故事: (永恆之愛) (古堡風雲)  
書封作者: 蘿莉‧卡布蘭
譯者: 琴梵
出版社: 歐瑞-鑽石 #1(1993-11-01 出版)
評鑑: 0
你是慧黠酷冷的豪情客,硬將雲煙過往, 我是嬌憨柔美的復仇者,鞭韃滿塵飛舞, 日日百般纏鬥,夜夜萬般繾綣, 豈知是 丘比特那似枷鎖的穿心箭早已桎梏你我, 要不是 情仇迷惘漫漫,愛意怎會矇眛不知? 伊人啊!擎慧劍撥亂霧,還我天使風貌。  
平均:3.3 (6 人灑葉)
書封作者: 娜拉‧羅勃特
譯者: 劉莎蘭
出版社: 林白-浪漫新典 #206(2003-12-15 出版)
系列書: 三姐妹島
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 6
洛根擁有島上唯一的旅館。現在他重返三姐妹島,決心贏回蜜雅的心。但是她冷漠疏遠的態度令他十分的困惑──畢竟,兩人之間強烈的化學反應是不容否認的。憤怒、傷心、困惑的蜜雅拒絕承認仍對洛根餘情未了,但她將會需要他的協助──和力量,來面對畢生最大的挑戰。數個世紀前許下的守護咒語即將被破解,他們必須擁抱命運,一起擊敗黑暗…… 戴蜜雅曾全心全意愛過--而後看著心愛的人遠去。多年前,她和桑洛根曾有過建立在激情、傳奇和命運之上的不可思議的聯繫。然而,某天他卻離開了三姊妹島,徒留她沉浸在兩人經分享過的魔法裡--並決心不在碰觸愛情……  
平均:2 (1 vote)
書封作者: 蘿珊‧貝克尼
譯者: 李琪惠
出版社: 林白-浪漫新典 #205(2003-12-30 出版)
文類: 中古世紀
評鑑: 1
