
共有 10274 筆資料,目前是 401 - 410 筆
譯者: 曉鏡
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #234(1984-05-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
經過八年漫長的別離,貝茜妮來到如夢的小城--沙馬那,與青梅竹馬的愛人韋迪晤面。但她此行的目地是為了爭取雜誌社繼續生存的機會,而非重拾往日的舊夢。 那一夜,當她與韋迪正纏綿於情海之中時,傑克--韋迪的父親、也是她的監護人--卻突然闖進來,給予他們最無情且鄙夷的責罵。韋迪在忍無可忍的情況下斷然決定離去,當他要求貝茜妮與他同行時,未料貝茜妮卻選擇了傑克;在她稚嫩的心靈中,傑克猶如她的父親,是一個完美的偶像。 八年的別離,是否更綿延了彼此的思念?在韋迪與雜誌社之間,貝茜妮將犠牲何者?傑克根植於她心中的影像難道真只是一個表面的幻影....貝茜妮迷惑極了。她如何在恩情與愛情中做一明智的抉擇呢? ...
譯者: 周慧芬
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #233(1984-05-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
泰德突然告訴他的未婚妻西莉茜,他將與一位漂亮的時裝模特兒共度人生的歲月,以往的種種只能串成美麗的回憶...... 於是,西莉茜懷著無比的傷痛離開哥倫比亞,來到新墨西哥加入迷人谷的設計工程,她企圖在這一片綠野平疇、峽谷綿延的新生地,忘懷那段美麗而痛苦的記憶。 正當工作進行中,泰德又悄然出現了,她對他訴出離別後的衷情,懺悔自己所做的愚味選擇...... 然而,這一切再也不帶任何感情的意義,只是一份熟悉...... 一份過去的熟悉......
譯者: 陳素貞
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #232
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
在婚姻上,凡妮莎‧哈瑞登有一段不願提起的過去;但在工作上,她是個成功的工商顧問,專門替公司行號解決疑難問題。 在一次機場的邂逅事件中,她結識了同行的旅伴傑森。 經過短暫而愉快的交談後,他們揮別了對方。 凡妮莎以為再也見不到這個未曾留下姓氏、地址的迷人男士了,沒想到回來後接手的第一件工作就是整頓傑森‧卡利索公司。 卡利索電子公司的問題重重,但凡妮莎決心接受挑戰,開始大刀闊斧地提出方案來破除過去的沈痾。 在工作的同時,她和傑森發生了愛情。 傑森已離婚,有一個十歲的女兒。 艾蜜妮‧卡利索因母親黛安娜的寵溺,常常有令傑森生氣的嬌縱表現,而備受嚴厲的責罰。 夾在這種親情的衝突之中,凡妮莎左右為難...
平均:4 (1 vote)
譯者: 塔希亞
出版社: 其他翻譯出版 (2015-10-16 出版)
系列書: The Dark Duet series #3.0
文類: 情慾小說
評鑑: 1
       你想知道二○一○年九月的暖暖夏夜,在哥倫布大道和黎薇兒相逢時,究竟發生了什麼事?我得說,那一晚,徹底改變了我的人生。事情發展,並不像黎薇兒所說的。心地善良如她,把我們的故事美化了。真相遠遠……複雜多了。   《暗夜二重奏》系列的完美結論!以男性私觀點做為全新開端,卡列博回首一路以來的心緒起伏、與黎薇兒之間無法解釋的愛恨交纏和飢渴,本書一如完整的補述,填實、驗證了黎薇兒曲折故事裡所欠缺、反覆臆測的對愛人的不安與未知。從童年遭遇啟始,以復仇為人生宗旨的卡列博,身旁總有著傷害、欺瞞與背叛的陰影在亦步亦趨,宛如一道深刻傷疤的生命歷程,相對於黎薇兒...
譯者: 葛愛玲
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #230(1984-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She couldn't steal another woman's man Judith wasn't the type to lose her head over a man, especially not a man who was engaged to an old friend. But Luke Doulton was irresistible. He was a financial genius who wasn't afraid to work with an equally talented woman like Judith. Judith couldn't help...
譯者: 江春華
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #229(1984-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Passion or hatred--which was stronger? From the moment she first met heartless, handsome Kyle Beringer, Arminel was overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. Kyle was convinced Arminel's engagement to his brother Rhys was not a union of two lovers. In fact, he assumed she was a gold-digging little tram...
譯者: 湯秋華
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #228(1984-04-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
He was a living, breathing masterpiece Alex forfeited a long-overdue vacation in order to restore neglected paintings in a decaying castle in Venice. Her boss had first cajoled and finally bribed Alex, speaking of along-lost masterpiece that she might unearth if she agreed to the assignment. Alex...
譯者: 周慧芬
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #226
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Michael Moreno is tough, a "bad boy"--but Chris Barnes is sure she can handle him. When she loses her job, she even invests her earnings as a champion skier and TV sportscaster in Michael's ski resort. And she teases him about having Syndicate connections--until she receives a sinister phone call .....
譯者: 陳學芬
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #225(1984-03-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Katrina is determined that her company, Stevens Advertising, will triumph over rival Lockridge Advertising. But her hopes burst when a scandalously embarrassing event traps her in an elevator with an oh, so witty, oh, so attractive stranger--who turns out to be Mitchell Lockridge himself! Despite t...
譯者: 雲華青
出版社: 欣光-新羅曼史集 #224
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Darcy, the protected daughter of an auto tycoon--and Chason, a daring, ambitious race-car driver. Their whirlwind, ten-day courtship led to a perfect marriage--or so Darcy thought until her mother convinced her that Chason had married her to get on her father's racing team. Heartbroken, Darcy vowed...
