共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 2931 - 2940 筆
(23 人灑葉)
譯者: 苗蜜亞
出版社: 果樹-Romance Age #41(2005-10-25 出版)
系列書: Scandalous Series #4.0
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 24
(1 vote)
作者: Emma Darcy 艾瑪‧戴西
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林 (2005-06-01 出版)
評鑑: 1
Luciano Peretti may still be the handsome and hot-blooded man she fell for six years ago, but now Skye wants nothing to do with him! She can't forget Luc's rejection of her then, or how she refused his wicked family when they tried to bribe her to end her pregnancy. Since then, she's raised her son...
出版社: Haper Collins- Harlequin禾林
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 0
No one took Georgiana Bellewether seriously.
To her utter dismay, she had been cursed with the lush curves of a cyprian, sprightly blond curls and big blue eyes that had often been compared to limpid pools. People took one look at her and decided that she didn't have a brain in her head. Of cou...
(1 vote)
出版社: Simon & Schuster- Pocket Books (2005-04-26 出版)
系列書: The Rose Hunters #3.0
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 1
CONNIE BROCKWAY sweeps readers into the ballrooms and boudoirs of Regency-era London and on to the Scottish Highlands in a sizzling tale of scandal, deception, and breathtaking passion.
Charlotte Nash is the most impulsive of the Nash sisters. Using her position as one of London's most popular...
(2 人灑葉)
出版社: Simon & Schuster- Pocket Books
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Pocket Books, November 2001
Paperback, 464 pages
Something is wrong with teacher Julia Talbot's favorite second-grader, the mayor's son Brian. Seeing the outgoing little boy become increasingly anxious and withdrawn, she suspects problems at home, inside the mansion of a high-pro...
(2 人灑葉)
出版社: Simon & Schuster- Pocket Books
文類: 懸疑羅曼史
評鑑: 2
Pocket Books (November 1, 2000)
Paperback, 480 pages
Bestselling author Andrea Kane delivers a pulsating blend of corruption, seduction, and bone-chilling suspense in one of the most sensational blockbuster thrillers of the year. From its opening scene to its shatter...
(1 vote)
出版社: Penguin Random- Berkley Books
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 1
Berkley (Sensation), June 2003
Paperback, 320 pages
Losing his spirit
Christian Reade, heir to the earldom of Westhaven, is tired of ghosts. It's his own fault for debunking a haunted house in Belles Corners as the work of two silly pranksters. Now the practical "...
(1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books (2005-06-28 出版)
系列書: Bridgerton Series 柏家系列 #7.0
文類: 攝政時期
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: Bridgerton Series, Book # 7 ** ( The Bridgerton Family 老八/老么)
Meet Our Hero ...
Gareth St. Clair is in a bind. His father, who detests him, is determined to beggar the St. Clair estates and ruin his inheritance. Gareth's sole bequest is an old family diary, which may or may not...
(1 vote)
出版社: Haper Collins- Avon Books
系列書: Anthology
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 1
Avon Paperback (June, 1999)
April 2005 re-released with a new cover
They had me the Highland hero of their dreams, and now they were destined to be...
A land of legend and wild beauty - of clans, lairds, honor, and passion - Scotland forever stirs the soul ot romance. Now, in...
(1 vote)
出版社: Simon & Schuster- Pocket Books
文類: 歐洲歷史
評鑑: 1
**系列說明: The MacCarrick Brothers, Book # 1 **
IF YOU DARE Kresley Cole
Pocket Books (May 1, 2005)
Three Scottish brothers, cursed to walk with death, become what they were fated to be: dark warriors—a spy, a mercenary, and an assassin—without homes, families, or futures. Inhabiting a shadow...