
共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 2521 - 2530 筆
譯者: 高淑玲
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #158(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
拋開紅塵世俗的紛擾,遠離車水馬龍的繁囂, 投入大自然的懷抱裏,生命便有了新的力量。 看那內華達山脈覆蓋在皓皓白雪之下, 閃著銀色的光輝,冰涼的空氣更是清爽怡人。 在這個迷人的山谷裡,愛的樂音揭開了序曲, 是那末悠揚悅耳,動人心弦; 卻又在猝然間,亮起了變奏曲的紅燈。 "Lucky at cards, unlucky in love." Tells word as they left the casino brought the haunted look back into Andrea's eyes. The skiing holiday in Squaw Vall...
譯者: 林德娜
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #157(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
FORBIDDEN PASSION She had come to Sweden to discover her roots, only to find a love beyond her wildest dreams--and an ancient curse that said it could never be hers. From the first explosive moment they met, Eve Tremaine knew she would never forget the handsome, arrogant face of Max Von Stjerna, wh...
譯者: 林君珮
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #156(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
When twenty-year-old Laura, after a careful, sheltered upbringing, was suddenly thrust into the turbulent household of the 'dark Trevaynes' she felt young and defenseless, and always overshadowed by her glamorous cousin Cleo. There had been three Trevayne brothers; one, Troilus, was dead, but Cleo,...
譯者: 董敏芝
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #155(1982-09-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She couldn't refuse a dying man's wish It took just one phone call to shatter Lauren's peace. A peace painfully acquired through the years since her bitter divorce from Andreas Keralides. His mother's frantic phone call was intended to bring Lauren to Andreas's bedside. A near-fatal accident had r...
譯者: 陳雅慧
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #154(1982-08-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
Could Glenna bargain with a man like Jett? For her father's sake, Glenna Reynolds felt she had to try. The government was going to shut down her father's coal mine anyway--the only chance was for a merger with Jett Coulson's huge conglomerate, Coulson Mining. She found Jett Coulson devastatingly a...
譯者: 林德娜
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #153(1982-08-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
仲夏夜良辰美景,怎知卻是傷心時? 帶著破碎的心,破碎的夢,如何尋求慰藉? 才華出眾,美貌動人的瓊,突遭情變! 終日以淚洗面?鎮日鬱鬱寡歡? 舊夢已去新夢未遠,人生何處不逢春? 待雨過天晴,又見輕顰淺笑。 年年歲歲尋覓苦,料得蒼天不負多情人。 <註> 作者誤植為瑪格麗特‧雷馬 
譯者: 林君珮
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #152(1982-08-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
妮可是一個億萬遺產的繼承人,圍繞在她身旁的追求者,多得如過江之鯽,當她自以為尋獲一個可愛的人選時,卻在一個化妝舞會中,驚覺男友的花心與虛情假意。 莫非情不可靠,愛不可恃? 化妝舞會灰姑娘裝扮的千金小姐,陰錯陽差的被送入救難輔導中心。 貧乏的中心設備、不同階級的朋友、親切善良的輔導醫生... 對妮可來說都是不可思議的新鮮刺激。 好奇心加上好勝心,以及對巴納大夫日漸滋長的愛戀,使妮可倔強地忍受一切辛勞和窘困,繼續偽裝灰姑娘的身份。 故事情節,曲折離奇,時而犀利,時而溫惋,引人入勝,主要闡示一個宗旨 ----- 幸福得來不易,稍縱即逝。 Nicola Rosten was used to...
譯者: 林德娜
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #151(1982-08-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
 Although she had spent all her life in Greece, young Serra Costalos was only half Greek -- and she couldn't endure the thought of the cold-blooded, arranged Greek marriage that was all that was in store for her. In fact, she had already run away from home when, quite by chance, she met the En...
譯者: 康華
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #149(1982-07-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
"Computer matching works, you'll see!" Her roommates were enthralled with the idea of the experiment, but Gemma wasn't sure. It didn't seem right to cold-bloodedly plot another person's falling in love. Gemma liked it even less after they had done the computer analysis of Paul Verignac, an...
譯者: 康華
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #148
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
銀色世界,光怪陸離。 螢光幕前:星海浮沈,撲朔並迷離; 螢光幕後:人才迭起,後浪推前浪。 冰雪聰明的羅涵莉,為了克紹亡父未竟之志, 毅然捨棄大學講師的神聖職責,轉而投入 ----- 瞬息萬千的銀海 ----- 在這個若沉若浮,乍有乍無的奇幻世界裡, 涵莉將如何穩身立足......   從神聖的杏壇走向五光十色的銀海,涵莉不曾迷失在閃耀銀輝中;相反的,她以聰穎冷靜的態度執行製片工作,敢於批判是非,據理力爭,實事求是。 果敢堅毅的青年企業家喬伊,在商場上叱咤風雲,不可一世;私生活上,長年周旋於環肥燕瘦間,已令他厭煩。 感情的漩渦令人難以設防,一旦陷...
