
共有 10308 筆資料,目前是 2231 - 2240 筆
譯者: 鄭雪芳
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #180(1983-02-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
"And what if I don't agree to marry you?" Slade answered her question coolly. "Your brother loses his backer -- and faces bankruptcy. You have ten minutes to think it over." "Oh," Rosa cried furiously. "I know what I will do. I'll hate you for the rest of my life!" But looking back it seemed as i...
譯者: 李素娟
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #179(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
凱莉是位富家獨生女。從小,她對所有的舞會、社交活動即感到十分厭倦,當她漸漸長大,對周圍的男子,亦興趣缺缺。 因此,她的父母對女兒的終身大事,十分擔心。他們不斷為凱莉安排各種社交活動,而且物色合適的結婚對象。 凱莉對於父母的舉動,感到可笑,而且堅決的反抗。在家裡一次聚會中,凱莉結識了父親的同業者-特爾。特爾高大、瀟灑,身邊常圍著大堆的女孩,是個風頭很健的花花公子。 有一天,意外的,特爾竟向凱莉求婚。沒有愛做基礎的婚姻,會恆久、幸福嗎?
譯者: 黃曼莉
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #178(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
哦!是的,她是腰纏萬貫,卻偏偏不能動用。 想起孤弱的邁克,天知道,她多麼想幫助他。 擁有百萬遺產的嘉思,天真地想出一個妙計。 對了!她可以跟億萬富翁斯朗結個假姻緣。 異想天開的念頭使她樂得暈頭轉向, 世界彷彿化作了七彩的汽球,飄揚在晴空中。 但是一見到斯朗,天哪!氣球立即洩氣了, 怎麼可能嫁給這麼一位暴君呢?她完了--
譯者: 康慧純
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #177(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
BENEATH THE STARRY SKY. Greece -- a land of romance. But for Gena Fielding it became much more, this land she would call home. In Alex Andreas' dark eyes she saw a passion and a glory, a flame to light her senses and melt her resistance beneath the searing Greek sun. In his arms she became invincib...
譯者: 薛蘭香
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #176(1983-01-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
泰戈爾曾言:孩童是生命的蓓蕾。 當他們在父慈母愛的關注之下,綻放神秘的馨香, 舒展炫麗的花瓣時,雙親內心滿溢地驚詫與喜悅, 真是難以道出萬一。 本書以一個聰慧靈敏的小男孩為主幹, 闡示不和諧的婚姻對兒女心靈所造成的巨大影響。 而本書的小主角,究係扮演仳離父母間一座橋樑的角色, 抑或由他彈出變奏的下一章樂曲呢? "I don't care why you came back." Maggie's eyes flashed angrily as she added, "You're the father of my son--but that's all. I d...
譯者: 林德娜
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #174(1982-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
"You are still legally my wife," Rad pointed out bluntly. "All I'm asking is that you resume those duties once more." Lainie stared at him. What a fool she had been not to accept his previous offer. But that refusal had been dictated by her pride, and now need had replaced pride. What frightened L...
譯者: 鍾鳳娣
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #173(1982-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
She gave five years away to the wrong man At eighteen Elise had eagerly accepted Peter Westwood's engagement ring. He was handsome and ambitious, and her parents approved. Then she met Shard Cortland--a construction man whose effect on her she found hard to resist. But she opted for the "good " li...
譯者: 董敏芝
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #171(1982-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
HE WAS HER SECRET SHAME..... And now Noah Weston would pay for a passionate indiscretion committed seven years ago. As the newest employee of Noah's firm, Dianna Hammond planned to collect a long-overdue debt...even as she tried to avoid The Boss himself. But the moment she feared arrived too soon...
譯者: 薛蘭香
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #170(1982-12-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 0
SHE HADN'T PLANNED ON LOVE .... She was a dirt farmer's daughter from west Texas, passionately involved with the boss of the Diamond T empire. But Cassie Creighton was driven to achieve stardom in country music, her passport to wealth, independence, self-respect. She thought she could leave Hoyt Te...
平均:4 (1 vote)
譯者: 蘇英足
出版社: 東立-愛的羅曼史 #169(1982-11-01 出版)
文類: 現代羅曼史
評鑑: 1
加勒比海碧波萬頃,風和日麗,一艘四桅帆船「航海家」緩緩起錨開始巡航了。 船上有遊興盡然的乘客,有妙齡的女船長耶瑪麗,和一位人稱億萬富孀保鑣的臨時船員普雷克。 人生的際遇各不相同,人生的目標也大異其趣。耶瑪麗一心只希望能守住祖父所留下來的船隻,和他未竟的巡航志願。 當然,在這个純潔女孩的心靈深處,也有一個渴望,那就是,找一個志同道合的對象,安穩的共度一生。 那會是她的奢望嗎? 以她的年齡和經驗,她能直到人世間有祥和和詭譎兩面嗎? 她能分辯自我內心的感受嗎?
